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    London 2012 Paralympics

    My friend's son is one of the new Channel 4 'unknown' presenters of the Paralympics, look out for him! She's as nervous as hell about it but we all know he'll be fantastic. Should be a great games.
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    Bathroom companys

    Did ours three years ago with B and Q. Absolutely delighted with ours, they sent a surveyor round first to make sure everything we wanted would fit, then did us a computer 'mock up' of how it would look. All work done in three days, they took out old suite, absolutely beautiful tiling job...
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    Ali's Baby

    Aah that's lovely. Hope little India is lucky enough to look like her Mum!
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    I'm in shock!!

    I've never had p&p refunded but I brought a pair of gold earrings ages ago which were then featured as a TSV a few days later, and I got a letter telling me that they were refunding me the difference so that I got them at the TSV price!
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    Lori greiner handbag organisers

    Yes, I saw that GG and like you I ordered and was expecting to get two!! I did think it was amazing value but Simon categorically said that we would be getting two identical organisers. The description states set of two, and if that refers to the two different sizes which fit together then it's...
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    Julia i love you but....

    Why does supporting someone's right to make their own choices make anyone a marriage hater? I have been married for 32 years and my 3 children were all born after I was married but I don't feel that I have any superior moral high ground, or that the children of parents who are married are...
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    The return of JR... & shes still a size small !

    Well if this refers to the Kim Parrish hour that I caught earlier, then this is a perfect example of how so much of what Julia says is misquoted and taken out of context. She was describing the top as being much closer fitting than other styles in the range that were the same size, and all she...
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    Alison Keenan has breast cancer

    He lost his leg in a terrible motorbike accident. I suspect Alison has had a really awful few years, all the more credit to her for her professionalism on screen. I wish her a very speedy recovery, and some happier times to come.
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    Burly Bear - Fame at last!!

    We used to quite often get a mention from different presenters at one time. I remember a long time ago Charlie Brook talking about a hanging Christmas ornament TSV and saying that there was a discussion on Shopping Telly of where people were planning on hanging theirs. Also, memorably, years...
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    Jill Franks You Bi*ch

    Or, alternatively, how about read it, disagree and post your own contrary opinion.
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    I wonder if the presenters get really bored..

    now THAT would be interesting!!!! :grin:
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    QVC presenters when they were 17 years old.

    Has AK had a nose job?
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    What's the most ludicrous comment you've heard...

    Glen Campbell; ''This is the extra large little long short''
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    julia's such an opinionated bit*h

    Ha Ha very true, along with masses of comments and opinions about the length/colour/condition/style of her hair, dress sense, 'decollette', skin condition, short fingers, tiny feet and footwear, whether she's married or not, her children, the village she lives in, her place in Spain, etc etc. a...
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    £4.50 0n Amazon!
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    that`s me put in my place.

    Just a thought cos I had the same problem with mine. I hadn't realised that there is a little tab that has to be pulled out, can't remember exactly where it was now but took the top off and it was easy to see. After I'd done this they all worked perfectly!
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    Simon and Crafting?

    I don't know about her reasons for being a veggie but I remember seeing her present a jacket with a furry collar (not a Basso) and emphasising that it was a faux fur. She said 'If this were real fur I wouldn't be anywhere near it' so I guess that's pretty clear that she's anti fur. I wonder how...
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    Problems looking at presenter blogs!?

    I have no advice to offer on the techie side, being a complete numb nut, but if you want to see Claudia's video of her family doing the Xmas tree it's on You Tube, just search for Claudia Sylvester.
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    Debbie Flint .... What do you think?

    I'm really glad she's back, she used to be so funny. One of the best memories I have of Debbie is of seeing her present a watch and using the phrase 'wrist action'. She started to giggle and eventually they had to cut to a break as she could hardly speak for laughing! There used to be lots of...
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    Simon makes the Thornton's Show boring..

    I think Simon's diabetic isn't he, so probably not the best person to be presenting chocolate!