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  1. T

    no call back

    I definately think this set of megadrops are a scam. I have tried to phone for several megadrops this weekend only to find the phone lines either saying item sold (when there is still quantity on screen??) or phone lines are not working. Do they block the phone lines themselves and put the...
  2. T

    no call back

    I know this is nothing to do with bid-tv but.... Remember I-buy? I phoned up and pressed hash for a limited edition signed football shirt - it was my first ever purchase i made with them, but i never received a call back Needless to say i never bought from them again.
  3. T

    Percent left

    Well at least they eventually show us how many is left. Imagine if they only showed quantity sold untill all were sold....
  4. T

    How do you win a megadrop

    If you read the t&c's about megadrops it states that your pre-bid must be at or above the "now at" price before the megadrop is announced. Example - If you pre-bid £30 on an item and the price goes down to £35 then drops to a pound, you will not win the megadrop. If you had pre-bid £35 or more...
  5. T

    Can anyone get on the website

    It's working fine this morning. They are showing price-drop until 1:30pm but already got the first item available to buy on the website. It just goes to show that they wanted people to make a £1.50 phone call for megadrops and not get them online. It's a Fix Bid-tv are doing megadrops this...
  6. T

    Can anyone get on the website

    It's the last day of their megadrops. I wonder if it will all be working ok tomorrow?? Hmmmmm
  7. T


    I see that Speed Auction are 3 years old this month and are doing megadrops every weekend in August. Bid-Tv is 8 years old in September and they will be doing megadrops every weekend in September as well. I know that we are supposed to only be allowed one megadrop a week (boo, hiss to sit-up!)...
  8. T

    Who is this Guy on Bid?

    I'm not sure what his name is, he does speed auction on some mornings as well. I think he is a better presenter than some others. Who was that guy on speed auction this morning? He seemed to be slurring his words :eek:
  9. T

    Old Bid-Tv phone number

    I see that Speed Auction are now using the old Bid-Tv number ending in 2000. Now if for example someone who hasn't watched Bid-Tv for a while tunes in and likes something and buys it without noticing they have a new number as well, they will purchase whatever is showing on Speed Auction which...
  10. T

    bid tv from bad to worse within 24 hours

    Yes i have seen that they have changed the phone number. I bet people are still calling the 0904 251 2000 number and getting charged for it, i haven't heard Peter Sherlock say about the new number very often during his shift. Could they be in trouble as a company i wonder, and by getting money...
  11. T

    What have you bought from them that didnt work?

    I also forgot to say the AWT speckled roasting tins. one of them has twisted already
  12. T

    Megadrops in september

    So what happens to people who pre-bid online if they get more than 1 megadrop? When you watch the channel live you can sort of guess when the megadrops will happen, but if you pre-bid online (which i do occasionally) and just happen to get 2 megadrops in 1 week, will we be penalised for it and...
  13. T

    The worst.. Deal TV

    Well i sent Bhtv a copy of the last e-mail i sent to Deal-tv stating i beleive that they originated from Deal-tv asking for some sort of reply. That was 6 days ago. Still waiting........:confused::confused:
  14. T

    What was your worst ever purchase?

    Many years ago i bought the Harris no loss paint brushes. The bristles were not supposed to fall out. errm yes they did, we used them a few times and that was it.
  15. T

    I got a letter from sit-up this morning. Trying to rip me off

    Yes i totally agree the channel is mega dodgy. Yesterday Steve started a non-stop drop on a 3ct diamond ring, there was not enough interest in it and the price was going lower and lower. So he stopped the non-stop drop and said we can't go any lower! I thought once you started a non-stop drop...
  16. T

    What have you bought from them that didnt work?

    Would you believe it if i said 2 Seal nostalgic hi-fi's? Well yes it's true, the first one i bought i gave away as a xmas pressie and it broke in January this year. They didn't send it back to me, just got it fixed. Not sure how much they paid to have it fixed. (it was the cd player) The second...
  17. T

    Wrong buying details

    They just noticed it and took it off screen!!!!!!!
  18. T

    Wrong buying details

    They were selling a cordless tacker at 13:45 in their DIY half hour with the details of a 2 step platform ladder scrolling across the screen! I noticed the mistake immediately but nobody else did. :confused: The 2 step platform ladder is next hmmmmm
  19. T

    Megadrops Are A Con

    I only got 2 megadops.. I got a megadrop on Friday and i must add it was the first megadrop i have ever had even though i have been shopping with sit-up for many years. I was lucky enough to get another megadrop on sunday night as well and i thought 'wow' 2 megadrops in 3 days... But guess what...
  20. T

    Best of Chase-it

    Ah yes i loved this channel. The music was great, the set was out of this world, you could see the gallery staff and it was so addictive. If anyone from shopping channels is reading this PLEASE bring it back