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    Paul becque v mike mason

    Paul is going absolutely loopy now selling the legends DVDs that he should be picked up by the men in white coats....
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    James Russell - the best of Bid

    I notice he has worn a lot of new suits he has bought recently because of the weight he has put on and they are very good and tidy suits and he has a tie pin to hold his tie to his shirt. He looks very tidy, smart and professional on screen and is the smartest dressed person now on the Sit-Up...
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    Peter Simon back on today

    He is on Bid now and he does look a little better than he did before. Welcome back Peter :hi:
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    Peter Simon back on today

    Sally Jaxx just gave the game away, he will join her around 5:30pm this evening :)
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    Stop the presses...

    The cutlery arrived this morning and I have to say it is just right for me. They are not excessively big and quite lightweight which is perfect for me with my hands that are not good at holding large and heavy items.
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    Stop the presses...

    It finished last night. They usually do one just after Xmas so let's wait and see. Also I know there is a thread here about the 16 piece cutlery set they were selling for £1 but I got it for 1p off Price Drop on Tuesday and I don't really mind how cheap and tatty they are because with the...
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    Is Caroline Lyndsay..

    I don't like Caroline either but I am watching Bid now because the lovely Peter Sherlock is on with her :)
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    Good luck steve mcdonald world record

    He did 25hrs and 2 minutes. He was presented with a framed certificate by an adjudicator of the Guinness World Record team live on air at 3pm on Sunday. Does anyone have any video of the moment when the clocks went back and their computers crashed? Here is a video of some of his best moments:
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    Stop the presses...

    I'm almost 100% sure that during their last warehouse clearance they said it would be the last one this year.......
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    Good luck steve mcdonald world record

    He is still going and seems OK now
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    Good luck steve mcdonald world record

    Live webcam streaming live on You-Tube
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    Good luck steve mcdonald world record

    Apparently Steve has just walked into the price drop studio with hundreds of energy drinks!
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    Good luck steve mcdonald world record

    He will actually do 25hrs non-stop (if he makes it) because the clocks go back one hour at 2am on Sunday morning !
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    Time to let Peter simon go

    He was good in his heyday, the late 1990's kids shows and early 2000's with Bid-Up but he is now really showing his age and to me is as thin as a rake. I agree that he should call it a day now because i'm sure none of us would want to see him collapse live on air...
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    Simon Davies on Price Drop

    I am sat watching Simon on Price Drop now and must say that after myself having a messy Friday night out with a self inflicted hangover this morning it is a real pleasure to watch him. He doesn't shout and is coming across very soothing to watch. It makes a real change to not have someone...
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    Charlie McArdle back!!

    It was right because he is back on Bid now :)
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    When did the current warehouse clearance start?

    It was very good, I really enjoyed watching it, it's not often I do enjoy watching any Sit-Up channel I must admit. And his first 6 items you could have got for £4.02p (not including p&p or the phonecall) :happy:
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    It's getting late and i'm getting tired so sorry if this doesn't make any sense. I have been watching Paul on Price-Drop this evening. Earlier he was selling a Humidifier, promoting it to humidify your dry rooms and ok supposedly make them cooler. Now he is selling Dehumidifiers, promoting it...
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    I always thought it was a code for £5 off your next purchase, but to be put right back in your bank account is even better so don't complain ;)
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    The most profit you made?

    This week was the first ever time i have put an item for sale on Ebay. It was an item i bought from Bid back in 2010 for £32. Currently the bidding on my item is at £65, a 100% profit with 4 days to go! :D I ask what is the most profit you have made selling an item you bought from sit-up channels?