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  1. M

    Eat your heart out Q

    Sackcloth. Ashes. Breast beating time. I ordered a Kim dress from QVC (I hear the hisses from our dear readers. It's all right, sisters and brothers, I have learned my lesson). I know my Kim size (megalarge double stretch 10 XL) and what bust (I should be so lucky) and what hip measurement...
  2. M

    A different world !

    Exactly. You think about what a person would really like and then buy it and put it away until Christmas present time comes round. The QVC method is to buy all-purpose tat for anyone and everyone, just because it's Christmas.
  3. M

    What would each presenter give their postman/dustman for Christmas?

    If any of them gave a tip in money, I bet it would not be enough to cover p&p on something from QVC.
  4. M

    What would each presenter give their postman/dustman for Christmas?

    Tiffany...... a Bodyblade, so they could lift her bins and carry her bulging sacks of fanmail with stronger arms
  5. M

    Forbes Riley

    Oh, is she still around? Is she still talking about getting her figure back after the twins (they must be hulking teenagers now). Even so, in a leotard she looked like a badly tied black pudding to me. I have to thank her and the other annoying American woman, the scraggy one with dangly dark...
  6. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    I have been trying to 'reply with quote' to you , Stratobuddy, but website won't let me today, keep getting 'your message is too small'..... So please look back and see if you can find what i said about chargeback, because it certainly sounds like you got a scam website.
  7. M

    What would each presenter give their postman/dustman for Christmas?

    DF........ a photo of herself, signed copy of her book.
  8. M

    A different world !

    That's a great idea for a new thread!
  9. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    Have no fear, Strattobuddy. You can get your money back from most major credit card companies by asking for 'chargeback' if the goods cost less than £100. I got ripped off by a fake website pretending to be a manufacturer's site. I discovered chargeback and was immediately refunded my £57...
  10. M

    A different world !

    By sample sizes, Eric's Mum, do you mean those things which I pointed out a few weeks ago are given out as free samples in department stores, but QVC charged £20 plus postage for? My friend who collects samples has a nice gift idea. She puts a collection of them in clear gift bags tied with...
  11. M

    Sara Griffiths - you just can't help yourself, can you?

    You are right! I watched the video of this, and one minute in she begins to order, tapping the app, and for another minute just says 'yeh' at intervals, and one "really?" in a "whatever' tone of voice, as if to say "carry on while I do something important and pretend to listen". if I were...
  12. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    Feel free to make use of your mythical Aunty in other situations. She has got me out of many a tight corner.
  13. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    I feel the same about my Ninja, having spent £50 on it. You have to chop up the onion etc into big pieces before inserting them into Ninja to be cut into smaller pieces. As you already have the knife and chopping board out, and smelly onion hands, why not make a few more cuts with the knife...
  14. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    You will have very clean insides, Stratobuddy. Do you remember years ago that all purpose cleanser made of banana skin oil? It cleaned everything.
  15. M

    Sara Griffiths - you just can't help yourself, can you?

    Perhaps she just misses being an actress. There was a re-run of a series called The Chief a few months ago on a Sky channel. She played the stroppy teenage daughter of the police chief. She must think "Lights, camera, action..."
  16. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    Roughies, tee hee! I wonder what the next fad might be. Perhaps roughies with all the peel and pips to be cut out first, and then the fruit eaten whole. Real fruit! They need to find a way to charge a fortune for it. Real fruit, as available from a greengrocer near you., presented by...
  17. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    I thought I might be the only one who thought a Ninja was Emperor's new clothes. So many people enthuse over it. I used mine a few times, and it's been under the sink for two years now. For chopping onions, celery etc, it shredded some bits into fine mush, while leaving bit thick lumps of the...
  18. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    What is anyone thinking of making in their Auto IQ i.e. it keeps working after the button is pressed down, Ninja? I saw Caroline, the 'lifestyle' advisor, making a drink which included kiwi fruit and coriander. If you're that desperate for vitamins, why not take a multi vitamin pill? My...
  19. M

    Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15

    No, buy it as a present for your mythical Aunty. You can then try it out until returning it just before 25th January.
  20. M

    Will Gowing's hairline!

    This is all taking a very nasty turn. One of the rules of the forum, I presume, is that we do not enquire into the personal life of posters. I don't care if Julius writes for The Times or The Beano, it's surely what he says here to inform, amuse and entertain us, like the other posters, which...