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  1. Ilovelulu

    Beauty gift ideas TSV 6/11

    ooh thanks for the heads up Irishbliss! I've been thinking of getting one of these and I might ask my fiancee for one for my birthday in December! Would be good if it was easy pay as well (too much perhaps!) lol xx
  2. Ilovelulu

    BE twist lids , anyone else having problems?

    Hi Cat Yeah my pot is the same, not as bad as yours by the sound of it though! I have the feeling that some of the powder is getting caught and its gradually making the twister stiff maybe, ie blocking it? I'm at the end of mine now so will see how the new pot is when I get it. Not ideal at...
  3. Ilovelulu


    [/B] or in my case to give me some height! seeing as I'm 5 foot nothing! lol
  4. Ilovelulu

    Sick of hair demonstrations

    Totally true, a hairdresser can get your hair to do whatever she/he wants it to do because thats what they have been trained to do! It takes me yonks to do a proper blow dry and the minute I go out its a goner! lol
  5. Ilovelulu

    How refreshingly honest..

    Good on Kathy! Wish I had watched that! I have bigger calves and I struggle so much trying to get boots for winter. Evans used to do a good range of boots for bigger calves but they have reduced the range recently. Its good to see someone being honest about the size and saving us money in the...
  6. Ilovelulu

    Catherine's hair.

    I think she might just be going through a wee phase! I loved her sleek brown bob as well but I think sometimes you just want to experience long hair. I'm in the process of growing mine down as I'm getting hitched and I want to have a few options available re hair styles. Although I do miss my...
  7. Ilovelulu

    Bare Escentuals TSV 27/11/11

    I'll get this if it has a foundation. I'm the same as a few of you guys - I've fallen in love with the foundation again after trying a few different ones. Think I will need to buy it before then though as I've run out so wont be able to wait until the TSV, but will still treat myself to the...
  8. Ilovelulu

    Twaddle ...

    Ah selling the dream! Selling the dream! lol Mmm and there was me thinking that shower gel was there to get you clean and make you smell nice! Silly me!
  9. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    Quick review - I got the red one, firstly have to say it is very weighty and I think actually quite well made, not at all cheap plastic, so not like a 'kids toy', its a very hard plastic top and the movement of the top seemed ok to me, but having said that - it isn't at all shiny (which didnt...
  10. Ilovelulu

    RIP Julia's flip flops!

    I'm surprised she was able to prise them off her feet, I thought a house would need to fall on her first! lol Only joking Burlz! :tongue:
  11. Ilovelulu

    Catherine On Strictly Come Dancing Saturday Night Show

    I dont really have a problem with Catherine H to be honest and I also dont see the major problem with her tweets. I am not a twitter user so don't really know all that much about it but I'm guessing, as with most social media, that you can 'switch' her tweets off so as you dont get them?
  12. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    PP - if you'd like I'll drop you a message to let you know if mines is any good when it comes? x
  13. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    thanks chick! Thats the only thing really it does need to sit out on a worktop. The duck egg blue was very pretty and very retro. I'll let you all know if its any good, maybe post a pic of whatever I manage to burn, sorry bake! lol xx
  14. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    I'm in the same boat ArtDeco, I'm relatively new to home baking, and I want something that will make life a bit easier! I would dearly love a KA but cant afford it at the mo. I agree I doubt this will be going strong in 40 years however hopefully it will be a good starter and one day I can get...
  15. Ilovelulu

    Silicone Bakeware

    I dont mind it, easier to clean although I do agree with BusyMum in that it does tend to stain. Asda have a few pieces, in particular round cake 'tins' and they sometimes do a deal of some kind on the silicon stuff.
  16. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    Well theres so many of us on here that do like showing off our pussies though and look at Burlz, he's always scratching down those knickers! lol
  17. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    Well I cancelled my Kipling bag on advanced order and went for this. I'm going to call this my xmas pressie to myself! I went for the red!
  18. Ilovelulu

    CE takes on KA

    I have to say I'm actually tempted by this. I'm thinking of doing a pastry/baking evening course after christmas and this would certainly be a useful piece of kit at home. I am one who can't justify the KA as I'm only starting out in baking at the mo! PS can someone tell me if its noisy, I'm...
  19. Ilovelulu

    Sacre Bleu!

    Craig - what can you say! As for no booze in a tiramisu - Sacre Bleu! lol This thread is making me hungry! lol off to finish my hazelnut costa light latte! Oooohhh! Plus might dust off the ol' yogurt maker this weekend!
  20. Ilovelulu

    50 Hours

    50 hours of pure and utter s***e (sorry having one of those days!). Thats me turning off then, to be honest though since we got Sky in I have hardly watched QVC. Too many themed days for my liking!