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    Death by Babyliss ?

    I've always thought it looked a bit scary. Don't think I'm brave enough as I have enough trouble with a brush lol
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    The Craft Channel

    I seem to remember some tweets between Debbie and Dawn a while back so who knows???? Personally I'm really looking forward to it as I can't stand watching C&C :mysmilie_14:
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    Jacqui Joseph

    I like her as a presenter. She obviously loves to craft too and sew which means she can relate to what is going on. Well done, keep up the good work :)
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    Dawn Bibby

    Yeah, they were daft letting the grass grow under their feet when C&C were charging ahead stealing the market from under them. Whatever where they thinking? Perhaps they thought they were above the competition? I don't think it would have taken much to turn it around as they had some really...
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    Dawn Bibby

    Had a quick peep but couldn't find them.
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    Dawn Bibby

    So on craft telly forum there are comments that craft might be making another appearance/comeback, should be interesting to see who fronts craft for them if it isnt DB :wonder:
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    Polling subject suggestions

    Have we got a fav guest list, past or present?
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    Dawn Bibby

    Now that she has left C&C who thinks she will make a come back at QVC? I wouldn't be at all surprised.
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    Bit of fun - Which QVC presenter would you like to lunch with......who would you not

    Dale and Simon, together, yes both hahaha
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    Mally's company for sale

    Oh no, I only wear her lip gloss and you can't get it shipped from the USA. She should have had an on-line outlet in the UK. Help, what shall I do lol
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    Dawn Bibby Leaving

    Thank you. I'm going to watch it, I hope they give her a good send off - flowers would be nice :nod:
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    Dawn Bibby Leaving

    I believe Dawn is finishing up tomorrow, any idea when her last hour will be?
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    Yet another diet plan.

    I have gone down that spiral and just can't seem to dig myself out of it. I had a weight problem 4/5 years ago and have put on a further couple of stones since then. I've tried everything mainstream like the clubs etc but I have just lost all my will power. When you have an addiction or...
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    Say 'Yes' to the dress Basso!

    Watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' as you do and up came a Dennis Basso dress!!!!! Shock horror, it was really quite nice :mysmilie_13: Perhaps the Q will start selling bridal dresses.
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    Anyone remember Sunita Shroff?!

    I do remember her but I'm sure it was much more like over 10 years ago. I had just started watching QVC and I remember her doing a craft item, learning to paint flowers, and she started laughing and couldn't speak, she was shaking, totally corpsing, never saw her again after that.
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    "If you don't have the money in your account right now, buy it anyway"

    I'm not easily fooled by the 'We've Missed You' postcard that I recently received from Q either. Be honest, you haven't missed ME, you've missed my money!
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    Postage - a solution?

    Ehhh? I thought you had come up with a solution that would benefit US, not the Q. I have a better idea why don't Q put aside all the money they make from postage charges over the year use the interest made to give us a whole year P&P FREE, oh yeah, that's better!
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    Jill Franks' Bulldog Stolen/Lost

    In the park walking my dog today I saw a dog as big as Jill's (same breed) and had to do a double glance but he had a lot more white on him and different markings. Jill's blog and latest tweets, still no sign of her dog by the looks of things. Very sad. I know many awful things happen to...
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    Miss Mop...

    I would imagine you are right. Heartbreaking looking at the twitter feed for his return.
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    Poor Anna Griffin!

    Whys that then :mysmilie_17: intrigued....