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  1. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    'Strike' not stroke. Sorry, typo!
  2. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    That didn't make sense, I apologise. Stroke that comment. My main point was that many comedians Make jokes about people or situations when those people mentioned cannot talk back (in response to your comment). Anyway, we will never agree as we have opposing opinions, and that is fine. I just...
  3. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    No PJ, I am a friend of hers. I understand what you are saying but he is not the only presenter to use 'life experiences' in their sell. It's part of being a presenter surely to say 'I did this...' Or 'the other day this happened...' . People are not named & in some cases these stories came...
  4. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    You haven't got my back up, please don't think that, I am simply trying to defend someone I know and in a forum I believe that all opinions should count which is why I come on here occasionally and say my piece. It was a throwaway comment, very brief & not in any way condoning 'drugging women'...
  5. M

    Is Sit Up Did Go Bust.............

    Well, none about putting his partner into the boot of a car & drowning her. Your comment doesn't even make sense.
  6. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    I usually try to keep my mouth shut but when you know somebody that is being personally attacked, I think you might do the same in attempting to defend them. When his partners car got hit their baby was in the car so in defence of his family I don't think the word 'mutant' was particularly harsh.
  7. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    Mike would never say anything to intentionally offend anyone. His comment was in jest & it did not suggest 'drugging women to keep them quiet' as has been stated here. Kiri was not offended as she did have a cold which is why the Night Nurse reference was made. Anyone who knows Mike as I do...
  8. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    No, as I've said before I'm not Mike.
  9. M

    Is Sit Up Did Go Bust.............

    What exactly does that mean? Having his partner in the boot as he drives into a river? That's a rather silly & offensive comment.
  10. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    Don't watch him if you don't like him. Simple really.
  11. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    No they haven't.
  12. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    His assistant had a cold hence the night nurse reference. It would seem that only one of you heard the comment & obviously didn't hear the context it was said in. Why is everyone jumping on the bandwagon based on 1 persons comment?
  13. M

    I am sorry Mikey but ...

    Did any of you actually see what was said, apart from PJ? I think he's totally blown it out of proportion.
  14. M

    Mike Mason, lies, lies and more lies

    Ha, ha... Have loved reading these posts they have made me laugh. I suppose I should have pointed out that Mije & his partner went away For valentines weekend. I don't know what James was up to, one Would imagine he was with his heavily pregnant wife.
  15. M

    Mike Mason, lies, lies and more lies

    I've not heard either James or mike telling that story But I can personally vouch for mike. They did indeed stay at that hotel for Valentines weekend. The hotel does sell Klaus Kobec watches. So no lies on Mike's word and if Janes said the same previously, then he was not lying either.
  16. M

    Mike Mason, lies, lies and more lies

    How has my friend (his partner) mislead you? You have obviously been listening rather well as most of your comments are correct apart from the fan page number which still stands at 740 something I believe (and yes I am a member). Seriously, why watch if you don't like him? It's not rocket...
  17. M

    Mike Mason, lies, lies and more lies

    I suppose it's time I made a comment seeing as this thread has continued for a while. I just wanted to point out that Mikes FB page/group was not started by his partner at all. It was started by a fan who had nothing to do with Mike or his partner. I take offence to anyone that says Mikes...
  18. M

    mike mason

    A comment made 4 days ago. I honestly can't be bothered to respond now. The sooner this site full of Internet trolls is closed down, the better. I'm fed up with being criticised by people that have nothing better to do with thier lives.
  19. M

    Moet&muffins - Mike Mason

    And your problem with his FB page is what? Everyone has an opinion and if people like him & join a fan page, so what? This thread really offends me. If I want to defend a friend, so be it. We live in a democracy. If you choose to not like him then I respect that but until you know someone...
  20. M

    In defence of bid

    You are in s minority but it's lovely to hear your Comments even if some of it is Tongue in cheek!!