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  1. M

    Slinky tailoring!!!

    Love that post merryone - gave me a good laugh. Methinks the words 'slinky' & 'tailoring' are a contradiction in terms. As you say, perhaps 'slinky' & 'loo rag' would sit more happily together in the same sentence. Although I must say, Lynne looked nice in the purple rag - but then Lynne looks...
  2. M

    CH TSV - I'm tempted! Help!

    I think that all of the CH stuff is a bit 'old' & I'm 52 & still don't want to look aggy! It does look cosy though, I must admit. I'm sure you could find something much nicer on the high street. x
  3. M

    flippin eck...was that debbie paver on xfactor?

    Poor Tobias got sent he'll have to work in the flea flop factory after all.
  4. M

    flippin eck...was that debbie paver on xfactor?

    Well she may have stary eyes but i thought her son was lovely - he's probably desperate to avoid going into the family flea flop business!
  5. M

    Dennis Basso Hour on now....and that Sharon...

    I love Sharon - she camps it up something chronic & that seems entirely suitable as QVC is so hilarious.
  6. M

    Kanban TSV 7th Sept

    Does anyone feel the same as me in that I'd rather buy one set of stamps that I REALLY like for say £10 than spend £30 on loads of stuff most of which I probably won't like that much & will rarely if ever use.
  7. M

    What hours do the presenters work ?

    I think they have to clean the lavs when they're not on screen. I've seen exclusive footage of JR wearing overalls & a knotted headscarf with a fag hanging out of her mouth, swilling away with a mop & bucket in the QVC gents. Unfortunately, I lost the link to this clip.
  8. M

    The Glen Campbell Appreciation thread

    This could be a very short thread. x
  9. M

    A Good Laugh

    For me it's any of the old Christmas tat that they try to convince us is going to add so much to our homes - vile polyester clad angels with LED wings, revolting plasticky musical 'scenes' featuring trains choo chooing around a garish landscape, etc, etc. These items are supposed to make...
  10. M

    Alan & Barry

    I agree and wish them well. They were always fun & Alan was genuinely creative - trying things out on the hoof & encouraging us to play. Also, as you say, a much wider variety of crafts were shown - today it's almost all card making & even then most of it's CDs & stick on toppers. There seem to...
  11. M

    Who annoys you??

    Cavegirl - I love your phone call spoof! x
  12. M

    Oh no! Mr. City Shorts is on

    Why don't QVC do menswear then he could comment on that & might be more at home?
  13. M

    Oooooh what a carry on !

    I didn't see it but your post made me laugh pinkpussycat!
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    Howard described this today as being like 'a bra for the eyes'. What an odd image. I think most of the people they put it on look much nicer natural. It's obviously very effective but what's the point of having young bits when the rest of you looks your age? To me it just highlights how...
  15. M

    His face tells a thousand words...

    That made me laugh - I think a more sophisticated presenter might have been able to disguise their reaction a bit better but Julian is very likeable & down to earth & just couldn't hide his disgust!
  16. M

    Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!

    I agree. Dawn has had a lot of loss to deal with & I think getting some counselling so she can process it all might help. Keep quiet & then people's interest will die down.
  17. M

    Whats happened to sexy Julie

    On youtube there are several clips of IW models including Julie modelling underwear. I was quite shocked by the graphic comments posted underneath by men who find them - let's say, 'stimulating' to be polite! Maybe Julie's been made an offer she can't refuse to star in a porn movie whist...
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    Ode to Glen

    Lovin your work Moth! x
  19. M


    So we might be seeing a new slimline Steph? I wish her well but don't miss her excited puppy dog style of presenting.
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    Helen the VanDal Lady

    She was nice wasn't she? Didn't take it all too seriously. Maybe the guests can afford to be a bit lighter about it all when they know that their product is of really good quality & they don't have to try to big it up all of the time as they know people will buy anyway.