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  1. T

    Nigel The Crafting Expert?

    You are so right Bexi! Followed by the pairing of SW + Nancy Watt with third place SW + Michelle Marsden. The false "aren't we having fun" drives me mad! Can't bear to watch craft on IW anymore because of it.
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    If you could choose anyone famous to be a presenter......

    Quite agree with most of the comments. Thanks for the laughs too! Loved the Steptoe or Harry Hill doing fashion! :D Personally think anyone could do a better job than Glenn Campbell and as for Richard "I'm not going to tell you that this plant will posion your pet" Jackson - ooooh! Don't get...
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    Sat 28th March TSV - Panasonic?

    Am still dithering I'm afraid.:33::33::33: Does look very impressive - now where's that coin? Heads means...... :D
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    LJ Rich said hello to me on TSV

    I had read the comment you had posted on the Youtube page asking her to wave to you but only knew that it was you after reading this. What fun! Loved the camera, am very tempted to get it myself. :33: Opinions please, looks...
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    Waterfall Jacket & Camisole or not as the case may be!

    How on earth can this company be allowed to keep trading when they clearly continual to break the law?! I sincerely hope that you get this resolved and thank goodness you did raise the issue with Trading Standards. If everyone who has a complaint did this perhaps IW would be made to have a...
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    This doesn't sound too good...

    As far as anyone loosing their job, it is a basic fact that to improve a company or any business; you sometimes have to "cut out the dead wood" and lets face it, these days IW /C&C has more than their fair share! If I was in charge of the secateurs Weightman would be the first to go! I love...
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    qvc have sent me £5 voucher - big deal!

    Perhaps I'm just not as cynical as you are Simon, but this discount voucher sounds to me more of a promotional thing in a time of economic downturn than anything else. After all - they don't have to offer any discount do they.
  8. T

    This doesn't sound too good...

    Seems to me that the best thing IW could do is to close and try again with a new name, different stock, some new faces in front of the camera and as far as craft (a major seller) is concerned; ditch S. Weightman and her style of hard sell and cronyism which is a major turn off.
  9. T

    qvc have sent me £5 voucher - big deal!

    Does sound as though you are being ungrateful! Might be £5 to you but if everyone who gets this discount uses it the total will be a lot for QVC to cover therefore making it a generous offer! To be offered £5 discount for no reason other than being a customer surely is a good thing?
  10. T

    WARNING re QVC plants

    By the way the most important question (to me anyway) was the penultimate one on the FAQ list! "Are tree lilies poisonous to cats? Yes, the pollen is poisonous to cats." Maybe I'm wrong, but if you have pets I think the safety question is far more important than how big it grows or what pot I...
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    WARNING re QVC plants

    Hi, I called QVC when they launched their last gardening tsv, the Lilly Trees as I thought they should warn their viewers about the pollen being poisonous to animals. Apparently all Dale did was refer people to the FAQ on their website. :11: What about the viewers without computers? Surely...
  12. T

    Why do some QVC presenters plead for T callers.....

    I don't think they are plants. A friend of mine has been on several times in the past and was very good at it. I think it's just that they may keep a record of those "comfortable" on air and so ask them to speak as a T-caller, hence a few "familiar" people crop up now and again.
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    More blockbusters this weekend.......

    Aaaaah....But how many drill bits? I watched the last gardening POTD and couldn't believe how bad it was! I used to really like their gardening programmes but they had....and I kid you not, a whole hour selling 3 products! Grow your own potatoes in a bag, 4 fruit trees, a buy the POTD and the...
  14. T

    Why is Ideal World more watchable than QVC?

    Yeah, very funny but I do think the title of the thread isn't quite fair. Has anyone seen the incident with Charlie Brook and the woman demo-ing the vaccum cleaner?! His end line of "You've missed a bit" still makes me smile! :D
  15. T

    Say something nice about IW

    Debbie Shore is by far the most professional presenter. Loen is by far the most fun presenter....... Um.......nope. That's it! Can't think of anything else.
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    Gardening funnies

    Now, now gang! The man is a giant in the horticultural world! :D I mean, he wrote the gardening column for the News Of The World!:59::59: I love gardening....but not with Richard Jackson! He never tells you anything of importance - i.e. how to look after the plants. Even when Charlie asked...
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    create and craft

    Hello there, If you mean do C&C run a forum, then no they don't. Despite the image they try to give the C&C club, it is nothing more than a way of taking more of your money! I have yet to discover how Stephanie Weightman can claim you can "meet like minded crafters" as from what I have seen...
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    Important - check your credit card statements - for "Travel Steps"

    Well lets look at the facts Simply Nocturnal: :33: I did listen to my call from Travel Steps and asked questions that they refused to answer. Therefore I knew it was a scam and time share. Therefore I didn't book up for a holiday with these shysters. Therefore I didn't feel compelled go onto...
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    Crafty Award Wins for Shopping Channel

    Not a surprise really that they should win these particular awards. They spend enough money with the organisers/publishers! Plus C&C are "sponsors" of the Stitch & Craft shows. What really is a surprise is the fact they failed to win more than 2!
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    Paul McKenna goes channel (S)Hopping

    The problem with his "method" is that it may, if at all work once but it won't be a "sustained cure". He using a method called NPL and is a "flooding" method. I have yet to hear of anyone who has used any of his CDs and found that it has be of any benefit. To loose weight, please see your...