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  1. M

    Slimmed down IW presenters

    Ah! OK thanks for that!
  2. M

    Slimmed down IW presenters

    It may have been discussed here so I'm sorry if I missed it but my wife and I have noticed how all the presenters seem to have all go on a slimming regime together - and it seems to have worked for all of them. The same goes for the models Lynn and Sheila. Absolute fair play to them. I...
  3. M

    Moira C. Aaaaaargh!!!

    Ah - that must be the Itsawrap. They must be among the most hideous things ever to be on shopping TV. I don't get on here all that often so so I could be very wrong but I don't recall anyone admitting to having brought any and I'd love to know what the IW presenters REALLY think about having...
  4. M

    Moira C. Aaaaaargh!!!

    My wife's just tortured me by making me watch half an hour of Moira C and her masterclass in nepotism. Thank God we can now watch a programme featuring someone balanced, quiet and sensible - House!!
  5. M

    Leoni pujol

    Nice one, Flying Pigs - but I didn't say I was a GOOD proof reader!!
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    Leoni pujol

    Jacaranda - first of all, of course, no-one should be abusing you just because you've stated your opinion here. In my case, I just have a thing (perhaps because I'm a proof reader!) about the way the English language is sometimes mistreated. It's not about accents and dialects. That doesn't...
  7. M

    Gosh!! Moira C

    Now then, Mia, I notice you have nothing to say about Itsawrap (or words to that effect). How many of those have you bought, eh, eh?? As for Moira, if I had a quid for every time she says "absolutely gorgeous" I'd be living in the Caribbean. My wife bought a bag and sent it back because the...
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    Leoni pujol

    I find her inability to say the word LITTLE (she says LICKLE) a bit bizarre. The only other person I ever heard do that was from Manchester (sorry Mancs, but it's true!) which I believe is roughly her neck of the woods.
  9. M

    Spanish Pronounciation

    Hello Everyone Is there anyone out there who has studied Spanish, is studying Spanish or is a natural Spanish speaker? I've just started Beginners Spanish with the Open University and we're all having trouble saying the Spanish Trilling sound when pronouncing the letter R, and the more...
  10. M

    Cheaper with Oyster card or all in train ticket?

    Hi Kitten As a retired travel agent, I've looked at, as an example, the one way fare for Birmingham to Guildford, via Euston for 20 October. The best fare starts at £27.00. This is non-refundable but includes the underground. I doubt you'd be able to beat this by splitting the ticket and...
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    Jay cooper on watchdog now!!!!

    I know he's not on this channel any more but Jay Cooper is the subject of Matt Allwright's "Rogue Trader" on Watchdog right now.
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    Liz Fuller

    The V channel is a graveyard for UK presenters. There have been a series of Brits trying to make it work in LA. Most recently, there was a fanfare for Rob Locke and he lasted about 6 weeks, if that, and was gone as if he'd never been there. Never actually found out why he went so quickly...
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    Glen Campbell

    Oh - I'm referring above to Glen by the way, not fellow forum contributors!!!
  14. M

    Glen Campbell

    Never in the field of shopping television has so little been said in so many words.
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    Angry 3 Mobile customer

    Thanks very much Sheepdog. Interesting information. I asked the 3 store who does their repairs. They had to call another branch but found out that 3 do their own.
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    Angry 3 Mobile customer

    Morning everyone. Has anyone ever had a problem, or had to make a complaint, with 3 Mobile. My Blackberry recently developed an intermittent problem with its touchpad whereby it sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I decided to take it to my local 3 store and they said it sometimes happens...
  17. M

    Food that causes the most grief and suffering. . . . . . . . . .

    A medical practitioner was addressing a large audience in Oxford. "The material we put into our stomachs should have killed most of us, sitting here, years ago. Red meat is full of steroids and dye. Soft drinks such as coke corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High...
  18. M

    If you could present a show which would it be ?

    Not sure which show (Technology, Diet Chef for my beer belly!) but, as I'd be nervous, I'd need Catherine (who deserves a better press on this forum!) to be alongside, holding my hand!!
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    My wife loves JM and there I was in front of the TV the other day when Carole came on the screen. Like most of the girls at JM, Carole seems nice, bubbly and enthusiastic but have you ever heard anyone acdtually speak so quickly?? Her words often merge into each other (like Shaun Ryan at IW...
  20. M

    Renaming Ideal World?

    Wouldn't it make it simpler if IW was renamed "The Karcher Channel"??