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  1. mr jones


    Two dire pics but you get the idea?
  2. mr jones


    Mathida, my order didn't arrive either, i'm annoyed because nobody contacted me to tell me my order wouldn't arrive today, i had to contact them I checked out an order on Katharine's advice on Thursday evening for Monday delivery and here we are Wednesday and no sign of it. A few others say...
  3. mr jones


    Because Alexandrite shows red or reddy brown in candlelight etc it is almost impossible for the amateur to photograph as there isn't enough light for the camera unless you use a flash and that kinda ruins the idea lol I bought an Alex from Gems when Steve ran it - Indian not Russian but clearly...
  4. mr jones

    Quickie - Basket Size?

    Mothy, she of the bottomless purse, asked for and got 10 last night.
  5. mr jones

    While out this morning

    Trust that girl - she never let's it lie! Always looking at Gems and the kids starving at home in rags.(As if lol) :9:
  6. mr jones

    when is a prize not a prize?

    Nope luckily - won two got two. :11:
  7. mr jones

    I'm confused - anyone know what's going on with Rocks?

    Auctions have been slow and painfully expensive for Rocks I guess. We have got the benefit of these long drawn out knock down affairs so now they can have a lock in. That means after a first bidder comes in they run the auction until they decide to lock it. After it's locked when enough folk...
  8. mr jones


    The suggestion of a requests hour was made to John weeks ago and he said it was being considered. Something has to be done for the requesters (is that a word) and to give the rest of us on chat peace from the anguished howling of unlucky punters. :32:
  9. mr jones

    Items missing from needed, please

    Well done Calvin :54:
  10. mr jones


    Have you actually watched RocksTV lately?. Sure the popular stuff remains but there are hundreds of new items and at fantastic prices. Scale of operations between the two Companies is obviously different but there is space for both Companies.
  11. mr jones

    Chat gone again...

    Who wouldn't? :52::52::52:
  12. mr jones

    Are they unique?

    Not sad in the slightest. I speak to Katherine more than the wife and who can forget Baz in the Burger Van on early days at Gems? Have a great day, a large shopping bag and take piccies for the lads and lasses please. :54:
  13. mr jones

    Chat gone again...

    I had chat a lot of the time jacky but seemed to be luckier than most. :33:
  14. mr jones

    Chat gone again...

    Oh ye of little faith! No the IT was the problem with chat being down. There was one sarky lady who went a bit over the score then she started buying and calmed down. Actually chat is really nice these days now the eejits have gone elsewhere to spread their nastiness Thank Goodness. Mind you I...
  15. mr jones

    Are they unique?

    I think they shut you down Darls on the instructions of your Bankers who cannot guarantee your account after you buying more gems you can shake a credit card at. :11:
  16. mr jones

    Items missing from needed, please

    Just email Tony and tell him what you told us and you should be OK :1:
  17. mr jones

    Are they unique?

    Last night, despite the usual, and I fear, potentially fatal IT problems, Rocks was another good night. The big difference between this channel and others is the personal input of the owners. Steve and Sarah who pop in and out and interact with us on a personal level unknown in ANY other...
  18. mr jones

    got 18ct ring for £2

    filth! :11:
  19. mr jones

    got 18ct ring for £2

    Mens Jewellery surely? :11:
  20. mr jones

    got 18ct ring for £2

    It cost us more to grow them than you paid!