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  1. mr jones

    What a bummer!

    Katherine has emailed with a solution so hopefully me sapphire will be on it's way to a ring soon. :18:
  2. mr jones

    What a bummer!

    My only problem is that I talked my busy little jeweller into taking the job on and now who knows how long I may have to wait. I am told that a similar sapphire was auctioned last night which is a pain. :17:
  3. mr jones

    Not a bummer

    Cheers Snoops - that was a Bid Up buy some years ago - water resistant to 200 metres which is handy for Scottish weather.
  4. mr jones

    Not a bummer

    I got the Titanium ring from the CR site which is reduced and took the 5% off as well so nice price. Swapped the Blue Topaz for a white topaz I had in a money clip lol As for resizing - I would think impossible as titanium is beggar to melt and reform but of course CR rings are in different...
  5. mr jones

    What a bummer!

    As per Rocks were on the case after reading this thread and more are coming along - not so heavy but I will check them out. Well done Rocks CS :60:
  6. mr jones

    I made it!!

    We all know you got your title as appreciation from the grateful matelots at the Docks, Darls :18:
  7. mr jones

    What a bummer!

    Sadly Milly it was a 1 0f 1 :28:
  8. mr jones

    Not a bummer

    The rest of the haul - The White Topaz Titanium ring goes with me Titanium Watch and t'others are silver and Ruby and Emerald.
  9. mr jones

    I made it!!

    Why on Earth would you think I would disparage your good self Mad4 :60:
  10. mr jones

    What a bummer!

    I bought a superb Star Sapphire t'other day and it has a lovely six point star BUT - there is a chip like irregularity on the polished surface and beside it a cut like the polishing wheel has slipped. So my great plan for a commissioned ring is in tatters and it's on it's way back. Maybe I'm...
  11. mr jones

    I made it!!

    I is no Laydee, Mothy, check the hairy hands on me pics - mind you some of the lasses would struggle to be called a Lady as well :18:
  12. mr jones

    I made it!!

    Put yer trousis on!
  13. mr jones


    Requests should be on at a specified time, say, on the hour for five minutes so folk know when to come in for what they have asked for earlier or they could be emailed to advise that the item is coming up at a specified time?.
  14. mr jones

    I made it!!

    Hi Mothy, Kandersteg here - lovely to see you bling mad woman! :18:
  15. mr jones


    All the above and make Barry wear trousers please when presenting!
  16. mr jones

    Anyone else getting slightly embarrassed at the number of deliveries they receive?!

    DPD due today and no sign yet. It's getting dark! :17:
  17. mr jones

    Anyone else getting slightly embarrassed at the number of deliveries they receive?!

    The surly beggar from the Delivery Company throws my stuff at me so no embarrassment there just my cheery "Hello - thank you" left floating in mid air when he stomps off :18: