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  1. madge65

    Presenters on the shopping channel merry-go-round

    No it wasnt a location tracker , i posted a photo on another forum of the frontage of the farm i go to , the farm name sign was slightly visable if you zoomed in on the photo , so he googled it & found the farm address he messaged me asking how far away from the farm i lived , like an idiot I...
  2. madge65

    my obsession photography

    photography has always interested me, but fast became an obsession, I spend many hours out on foot & try to find something of interest to photograph everyday , just a few pics I have taken that I like myself
  3. madge65

    On an itchy note!

    a little info regarding frontline , when you apply it make sure the coats not been washed for at least 48 hours before & after you apply the spot on or the spray, its distributed via body oils & dosent go in to the blood stream like other veterinary preparations frontline ISNT a repellent , it...
  4. madge65

    To spey or not to spey??

    nikki i would get her spayed, i have always kept bitches & usually had them spayed after there first season, as i had them from pups , but my greyhound bitch i have now wasnt spayed , she developed pyometra the closed kind where they dont produce a discharge, so it was basically no clinical...
  5. madge65

    It's A Man's World

    Aint that the truth:giggle:
  6. madge65

    Presenters on the shopping channel merry-go-round

    i have had my fair share of wierdo's on line . sadly they can do what they please , this is why people shouldnt share very personal details with others , I was on the verge of involving the police because some nutter traced the village i lived in via the name on a sign of a farm i go to , he...
  7. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    the starting post was nothing more than a verbal Crucifixion
  8. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    To be honest tristars done his fair share of persecuting , he started a thread about matt trim on qvc & it was downright vindictive
  9. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    I guess the people being slated on the secret forum should be flattered there so significant then:giggle:
  10. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    so basically its a bitchfest , now why dont that supprise me :sad:
  11. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    if you dont want stuff repeating then simply dont indulge other members by feeding them with personal & private info , my old gran had a saying '' **** house rats always turn on themselves'' This is one reason I am not a fan of private or limited members forums, you have to trust 100% & to be...
  12. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    Thanks Donna , not sure why people are worried about stuff said in there being brought up in conversation on the other forums though if its just general chit chat about products brought from other places
  13. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    what is the drop anyway ?
  14. madge65

    Pippa's hair!!!

    I agree the shorter hair does suit her face & I liked it
  15. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    I dont think anything said in private on line is 100% private , I will give you an example , I spoke to a friend via a pm on another forum I use , it was a general conversation basically & I mentioned that i had found my ggg granfathers war records from ww1 Then a few hours later I noticed...
  16. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    I imagine this is exactly how some of the presenters feel when they read stuff about co presenters, uncomfortable.. I dont see it any different to members on here reading a post about one of the other members But I imagine the only reason Tristar was used was because he posts his thoughts & he...
  17. madge65

    New presenter eh...

    Jesus give her a break , the last job she did wont have been exactly the same as the one at QVC , not every shopping channel will do the exact same thing in the exact same setting, and at the same studio... so yes working at QVC & they way they do it will be different to her
  18. madge65

    Nina Leonard TSV 23/01/13

    I think its an American thing, Dennis Basso , Lenny & mally... all American & all loud , i actually like the guests that are loud , they challange the presenter & I think there are a very small minority of presenters that can deal with huge ego's & just general boisterousness I much rather...
  19. madge65

    Nina Leonard TSV 23/01/13

    he makes me laugh , I just liken his antics to '' workplace banter'' .. same as the place I work at , we only see what goes on in front of the cameras .. i dont suppose he gets off scott free behind the scenes
  20. madge65

    Genie Line Smoother.

    if its the same as the crap they sell on ideal world then dont waste your money