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  1. R

    Feel like i'm home!

    Hi Briolette! It's great to 'meet' you - I'm fairly new here too and have found everyone very friendly and fun and great with advice!
  2. R

    Questions for Pollyanna

    CONGRATULATIONS! Sooo sorry you both had to leave... you were two of the best presenters... we still miss you! TJC shot themelves in the foot, I believe. Hope you will be very happy together!
  3. R

    Neon Blue Apatite

    WOW! What a gorgeous colour! I've seen R&C show some near-colourless apatite (to go with their near-colourless Paraiba tourmaline and aquamarine, presumably) but this is something else. Lovely!
  4. R

    The Jewellery Channel welcomes Kathryn & Derek

    Hi Kathryn and Derek, can't wait to see you in action! Welcome and Good Luck! xx
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    Questions for Pollyanna

    I have long been puzzled about Lee. When I first started watching TJC about 18 months ago, I'm sure I remember him chatting about a wife and baby. Before he left, tho, he was talking as if he lived alone with a dog. Have I remembered this right? I am being monumentally nosey, I know, and I...
  6. R

    WARNING - using the voucher codes

    I'm sorry the order didn't work out for you, Meeshoo!
  7. R

    Who wanted an Emerald?

    Amazing info, Meeshoo! Thanks! xx
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    WARNING - using the voucher codes

    This all sounds very confusing so I can only add what happened to me... I ordered my loose tanzy by phoning the Personal Shopper and mentioned my £50 discount. She put the transaction thru, but when I reminded her about the discount, she apologised (genuinely) that she'd forgotten. She then had...
  9. R

    Amazon Quart - What colour is it?

    :grin::grin::grin: Hope it's beautiful in real life, Oops-a-daisy!
  10. R

    Amazon Quart - What colour is it?

    And another thing - what's with WHITE KUNZITE??? And their checkerboard-cut Zambian amethyst has to be one of the ugliest gemstones I've ever seen. You wouldn't think it was possible to make amethyst look ugly, but there you go! R&C proved me wrong!
  11. R

    Could He Be More Miserable??

    I was watching the other night when a huge Paraiba went from £19,999 to £17,999... TD looked so genuinely pained and miserable, angry even, that it made me really uncomfortable. Honestly, if I'd had £17,999 to throw away, I wouldn't have bought the item for fear of robbing the poor man...
  12. R

    OMG look who's presenting now?

    Me too - was stunned to see Lee on R&C the other day! I spent several minutes exclaiming, 'Traitor!' and 'Turncoat!' at the TV, much to my hubby's amusement. It's a shame he's 'defected', but, that said, it is nice to see him on-screen again!
  13. R

    Who wanted an Emerald?

    You need a new husband, Tia! :grin:
  14. R


    Yeah, I was miffed too to see that extra .95p suddenly appear over the weekend. It means that some items are being sold at 5p less but most are nearly a pound dearer. And is it just me, or are their prices creeping up in general? Oh dear, TJC! After all the praise we've been heaping on you...
  15. R

    I'm so in love...

    Can't wait to see your pics, Flossie! Your purchases sound lovely. Must admit I'm very tempted by the multi-gem one (amethyst, citrine etc) - kicking myself for missing it yesterday, but it - or something very similar (the item number is different) - is in the web 'brochure' at £69... My ruby...
  16. R

    I'm so in love...

    ... with tjc's range of silver + platinum clad silver bracelets! What do you all think of them and what have you bought? My 'birthday pressie to myself' last month was a green apatite and tanzanite bracelet (£49) that I absolutely LOVE. It looks fantasic alongside my swiss blue topaz ring...
  17. R

    Longer Hours on Freeview

    OH NO! I waste too much time watching them in the first place! I'm even watching on-line today. Glad they're doing well, but I need to check into jewellery rehab!
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    Caroline wants an Oscar!

    Don't ever stop, Klosblue and Meeshoo! Your posts are informative, friendly, educational and highly entertaining - what more could we ask?!?
  19. R

    Wither Rocks & Co...?

    I haven't bought anything from them yet, but if I do, it will be one of their rainbow, multi-gemstone pendants. I love those pieces (apart from one I saw a couple of days ago that looked like a child's windmill off Teletubbies)... most of their rainbow stuff looks gorgeous, very tempting. Just...
  20. R

    Did anyone see Pirineu Tourmaline?

    Thank you for the info, everyone. It sounds nice but overpriced!!!