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  1. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    AB Jellylegs has gotten themselves into a right old muddle - it was I who posted a reply to Jelly legs comment, re Jeremy Kyle!! JL replied to my comment that I would rather watch Gems than Loose Women! and JL's reply - well you have to read it yourself, it under the posting - Why Watch. JL's...
  2. persianglitter

    Vicki Carr

    Them banging on about being Global - If i remember rightly, when it was the Olympics out in Beijing, didnt they open a gemstv shop in Beijing - i seem to remember that they were so proud to be in CHINA (the country, not tableware lol) so what happened to that venture - did it only last as long...
  3. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    :mysmilie_348: AB - I have been told to stop bitching! :mysmilie_61: by a junior forum member - (bitching - if thats what he classes as bitching - hes very easily pleased! :mysmilie_17:)
  4. persianglitter

    Why do you all watch?

    :mysmilie_348: I read your reply, and i have mulled and cogitated as to what my reply would be to your posting (above) I cannot believe your comment regarding the Jeremy Kyle show - but then, I can believe your comment about it, as I think that on the quiet, you are a wind up merchant, you are...
  5. persianglitter

    Items repeating?

    :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_17: :mysmilie_701: :mysmilie_11: i have the enigmatic smile of her whose in the louvre - the smug old dear, - painted by whatsisface, really old - cant think of her name - damn my eyes!! my brain has decided to cease up on me! call for care in the commm...unity.. need...
  6. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    Unfortunately now there is nothing to show about gems that relates to how they were, even say a year ago. Something has happened - and i doubt very much it is just little old me who thinks this - you can hear in the voices of the longer serving presenters - the fire has gone - it is not as...
  7. persianglitter

    Vicki Carr

    :mysmilie_348: Graham, thank goodness someone else feels and thinks the same way as I do about Vicki Carr and Gemstv as of late. Glad I am now, really not the only one who thinks this. Gems has taken the slippery slope, its watchable any longer - bless them, so of the presenters do try, its...
  8. persianglitter

    Items repeating?

    :mysmilie_701: :mysmilie_701: Static Electricity!!! Brushed nylon sheets from Brentford Nylons!! a lightening storm you can interact with in the comfort of your own bed - shudder!! :mysmilie_17: the feeling only surpassed by FILLINGS falling out of your teeth and stuck in chewing gum...
  9. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    :mysmilie_348: I didnt ask for you to agree or disagree with me - it is merely my own personal observation of how the presenting on gems has gone down hill - I have been a "customer" since March 2007 - and it has slowly declined since then - if you take a care to read what other forum posters...
  10. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    :mysmilie_348: strange, how the computer never says "NO!!" to a ridiculous price crash for gems, eh??? :mysmilie_17: and likewise the stupid faces she pulls then - when she has her finger holding her ear piece in ! If they could hand out oscars for over acting at gems towers Vicki would win...
  11. persianglitter

    Fed up

    :mysmilie_17: :mysmilie_11: :mysmilie_11: :mysmilie_61:
  12. persianglitter

    Why do you all watch?

    :mysmilie_348:Why I watch? :mysmilie_701: well this answer could be very long, but i will keep it short and sweet - I dont sit and watch gems for hours upon hours, those days are LONG gone! :mysmilie_701: I cant tolerate more than 5 minutes of gems at any one time! but I watch it because it...
  13. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    What really gets my dander up - is when Vicki puts that really pathetic, stupid face, that makes her look almost like a gargoyle - you know the one when she pulls such a face - where her bottom jaw is hitting the floor is "shock/surprise" last time I saw her do it - she must have frozen - as...
  14. persianglitter

    Lucy, Lucy Lucy!!!!

    According to Liv, when I was listening to hear sucking lemons, earlier this morning, she says Gemstv are G L O B A L!!! kept banging on about how global they are - and how many branches there are of them now, she pointed out that gems are in america, somewhere else, somewhere else oh and...
  15. persianglitter

    GemsTV bring back the middle men

    I thought that this would happen - seeing as gems have made absolutely no references to their links with Thailand in the last several months. If you remember they always used to show clipettes of what the staff out there were doing, and how gems were SO proud of giving new jobs to students, who...
  16. persianglitter

    Items repeating?

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRggggghhhhh - Not Marcasite! Its a thing of nightmares - next to brushed nylon sheets! lol :mysmilie_17:
  17. persianglitter

    Fed up

    Let me just say, this little trickette, was given to me (and it doesnt have to be handcream - it can be E45, or Vaseline!! lol) it involved a fireman and a titanium ring! :mysmilie_17: :mysmilie_11: (now that is going to keep you guessing! :mysmilie_61:)
  18. persianglitter


    Lily O'Brien - it is lovely chocolate - but you can buy it cheaper than that, from Morrison and Tesco - Morrison did do a Valentine's Bargain (don't know if they are doing it again this year) huge box of Lily O'Brien choccies and a bottle of "champagne" for £15.00 - the chocolates themselves go...
  19. persianglitter

    Fed up

    :mysmilie_348: I have the smaller size in the fuchsia agate (ordered it two weeks before xmas, decided to treat myself, glad i did)- and it is gorgeous - tell you a tip if you are finding it hard to get over your hands, put some good hand cream on first, this will help the bangle slip over with...
  20. persianglitter

    Its the Final....markdown???

    :mysmilie_348: Whingey!!!!!! OLD???? Moi??? :mysmilie_61: