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  1. T

    Yom Kim - am I missing something?

    I take it you are tall and slim then. If you like creased fabrics then good for you. I still think the majority of the public would not imagine they cost the amount they do.
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    Yom Kim - am I missing something?

    Just seen part of a show with this range. I must be missing something wonderful because from what I saw the clothes were baggy, saggy, creased items looking as though the material was very flimsy and the prices were so high. Look like t-shirt material and as though the garments have come out of...
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    Vercella Vita Italian Shapewear Camisole TSV 23/04/13

    Just a bit creepy Is it just me but I found the woman flogging the Italian shapewear very creepy the way she was pawing the models. One or two of them looked very embarrassed especially when she was stroking her hands down the front of their pants. Not very nice.
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    Does Jill Franks eat Candles?

    She did say she gets in the bath with her YC lit and a cup of green tea - ugh.
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    Try speaking as fast as Alison Keenan

    |Have you ever tried speaking as fast as Alison Keenan does? I have and found it impossible. She is like an express train and whoever is on the show with her might as well not be there. For goodness sake woman slow down, it's exhausting listening to you and if there is something I really want...
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    Watched Kathy this morning for a short while but had to turn off, she was stuttering more than normal - I don't know how many times she said - it, it, it, it etc etc For someone who has been a presenter for so long you would think she should be able to get her words out better. I don't know...
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    Does Jill Franks eat Candles?

    Saw JF on the Yankee Candle show. She said numerous times that her mouth was watering! Didn't know they were edible.
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    Dean was just brilliant this morning - he was so funny. It could have been a boring bargain/clearance show but he made it come alive and I bought some stuff I never thought I needed.
  9. T

    Still flogging extremely expensive silk flowers?

    Who is buying this Peony stuff? The TSV is just eight faux flaaaars and a vase. I was in Dunelm Mill today and they had gorgeous silk flowers from 99p each. It doesn't take much artistic talent to shove eight stems in a vase. You can buy the fake water stuff as well from any decent hobby shop...
  10. T

    How much?????

    I can see this being of help if you have a craft shop, you could then make loads of stuff to sell in your shop. Otherwise it cannot be worth while to buy this.
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    Peony Flowers TSV 25/02/13

    Peony flaaars faaaaar too expensive. No different from any silk flowers you can buy in loads of places. I have been today to Gordon Riggs at Todmorden Lancashire and they have the most fantastic range of silk flowers. For those who cannot manage to put silk flowers into an arrangement themselves...
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    How to spread a few items over four or five days

    I haven't watched any craft shows recently on QVC but thought I would see if there were nay bargains to be had on their special Craft Clearance event, run over four or five days. What a disappointment. The same items over and over again. Gllitter Mixer Pot!! No wonder they still have those...
  13. T

    Here we go folks...

    She is so self obsessed she just rambles on and doesn't know what is coming out of her mouth. Tanya's skin did look red and blotchy v- some breakouts. Not surprising really with all the gunk that gets put onto her face.
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    Julia's Book

    I watched her going on about her book and was more than flabbergasted. She certainly deserves 11 out of ten for nerve, thick skin and downright inflated self importance. What on earth has given her the idea she is important enough that people want to read about her. As someone already said, she...
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    JF's legs!!!!

    What on earth was JF wearing when she was on the Leighton Denny show? She was hiding most of her behind the desk but it looked as though she was just wearing boots, black lacy tights and a short top. If she had a skirt on it was certainly extremely short.Sorry but I thought it was something a...
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    QVC Texts

    Can't remember the particular show but she was ignoring the guest and staring at her "pad" most of the time then chipping in when she got a tweet. It is so stupid. If people want o share their lives then for goodness sake do it on Facebook or some other social site not on a shopping channel. We...
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    Put the Ipad down Julia!

    How fantastic was that - someone tweeting to JR to tell her to put the ipad down as she wasn't interested in people's tweets. JR responding with a huff and a puff that a lot of people do like it. Well Julia a lot of people don't and it's a pity more haven't told you before now. This latest craze...
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    Dave Bradford just shut up!!

    Tried to watch the show this morning but had to turn off. Wanted to see demonstrations but it was mostly Dave repeatedly picking up the products - we don't need to see them over and over again. Our memories are not that short. I turned over for a while and then turned back hoping that by that...
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    Lee Clarke?

    He is very pleasant and I find easy to watch. He seems genuinely interested in the crafts.
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    Live from USA

    I just don't understand all this hype about this broadcasting from the USA. All I have seen are the same products we see all the time - Sara and her Crafters Companion board - Spellbinders - they might be new shapes but they are still Spellbinders - punches - Hunkydory - Surely we would have...