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  1. T

    Even more ridiculous

    Just looking to see what the pick of the day is tomorrow - Tattered Lace!!!!!!!!!!! The good thing about this overload of die selling is that I am saving money. I don't watch regularly now - just have a look on my pc as to what is coming up. Friends of mine say the same - too many dies, too...
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    Another new word for the QVC Dictionary

    Simon Biaggi this morning - dressed like Christopher Plummer in The Sound of Music I thought with that jacket - just as an observation - said an item was ideal for "giftifying".
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    qvc dictionary

    margerine has added another word to the qvc dictionary this morning. On the l'occitane show she said we may want to "stockticise". Sorry but she is no better as a presenter in my opinion and I turned over channels once I saw it was her. On just long enough to catch this gem from her.
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    Is the top creased or is it your skin?

    Another stupid remark from a guest today flogging a skin tight top with gathered sides. She said she loved gathers because when you wear a garment like that nobody knows whether it is the top that is gathered or your lumps and bumps. Everyone would know it was my lumps and bumps in something...
  5. T

    Now it has got ridiculous - die die die

    Just had a look at what the pick of the week is going to be for next week - it is Tonic - dies again. There cannot be anybody in the world now who hasn't enough dies.The programmes have become so boring I just check in on line now in the evening to see what has been on. Tattered Lace...
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    ingrid on sizing!

    Here we go again. Ingrid tarrant) on yong Kim. We are not to worry the awful grey short top with ugly black zip up the front, only goes to size 18 but it doesn't matter! Whatever size you are, go up up up. Right. I have a friend who is a size 30, I am a 26. We both know even if we liked this...
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    Dale's open shirt

    Simon Biaggi is always flaunting his - in my opinion - far too hairy chest, leaving too many buttons undone on his shirt. Now today Dale was showing more of his chest with an extra button undone. Stop it guys, not flattering and looks contrived.
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    Don't worry about your waist size?????

    On the Kim and Co programme the Presenter said we were not to worry about the waist size of a skirt as the waist stretched twice the size! How ridiculous. . If anyone was stupid enough to buy a skirt, say a size small but they were a large, just because the waist stretched out to go round their...
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    simon spoiling anna griffin show

    Not having seen crafts on qvc for ages I was excited to see Anna Griffin back as I love her products. Had to turn off though as Simon Biaggi was driving me nuts. Talking over Anna, talking like an express train and for goodness sake why is he showing all the fuzz on his chest. Get tour shirt...
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    I am amazed at the price they are charging for this. It is just a binder with plastic inserts. The binder and the add on sets come to well over £100. They were flogging an American system of binders with bits of card to put in a while ago and this is obviously copying that. You can get binders...
  11. T

    Die Die Die - Too many

    How many dies do C&C think we want. Most of the programmes lately have been flogging dies - Tattered Lace, Tonic, Spellbinders. I bought a die cutting machine but wish I hadn't really. If I had a craft shop or did craft stalls then I can see that I could cut numerous dies and sell them in little...
  12. T

    Marv try a little research.

    She is hopeless - just like Jaquie Joseph on Create and Craft, sounds insincere, seems very uncomfortable.Not in the right jobs either of them.
  13. T

    Too much of Jaquie

    I have been unwell for a few weeks and just trying to find something to watch on tv. I thought I would watch create and craft as there were a few things I fancied. However, each time there was Jaquie presenting. She is in my opinion, no better. She sounds insincere, laughs to herself, repeats...
  14. T

    Who was first to the "Dressing Up Box" then?

    I cannot understand the attraction of Yong Kim. Unless you left the price tag on and visible for everyone to see I don't think anyone would ever believe what you paid for those crumbled out of shape pieces but there we go. Ingrid usually looks a complete mess but the other day she really went...
  15. T

    Are they related do you think?

    Marverine and Jacquie from Create and Craft are very alike in my opinion, they both irritate me and I have to turn off the sound if the product is something I really want to see; they both repeat the same things, every time sounding as insincere as the last; they both seem awkward and tense. I...
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    Will and his silly hat

    What on earth did he look like - Will in his silly hat which had a flower on and was too small - on with Richard Jackson.
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    News of Charlie from Charlie Bears

    I knew she was poorly but not that she had that terrible ovarian cancer. So glad to hear she has come through. I know some people think it smarmy when Will tells how they met but I have always thought it is a lovely story and they obviously adore one another. Will has always seemed very...
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    Jewellery outlet show - watching paint dry would be more exciting

    Whenever they have one of these "outlet" shows I try to check the reviews of the items they are flogging as more often than not the items are those with bad reviews. The outlet shows are obviously a way of trying to get rid of these unpopular items.
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    Catherine Huntley

    I certainly do. She rants on all the time about the 30 day money back guarantee. Recently I had to ring Customer Services to find out the size of something as she did not mention it once instead she prattled on with, as you say, ways to order etc. If she can't give the information properly about...
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    Jill franks new best friend

    I was cringing watching this. She mentioned Jenny so many times. She went on about a treadmill. Poor Ralph looked so embarrassed. Even when I put the tv on mute I could tell she was going on about his wife by his face. Why on earth didn't the producer tell her to shut up, unless of course she is...