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  1. R

    What has "wiggy" Lee had done to his forehead?

    Well..I don't like him but what your criticising him for ,cant be helped I don't think and is probaby down to QVC. They all are two faced about product.Look at Matt Trim ( an ironic surname if there ever was on) He slags off brands of camera ,or types,and winds up selling them two weels down...
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    'Richard Jackson' own branded stuff

    That guy is on now and I,m sure hes standing on a box.
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    Flavor-Chef 6-in-1 Cooker By Flavorstone TSV 26/03/14

    It's an Infomercial type product.The bloke is a Chef Tony impersonator ..complete with American Flag on his Chefs costume which is funny because I bet the product is about as American as The Great Wall of China. PLUS..I would be concerned about the non stick coating they use.They don't make...
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    Leighton Denny TSV 3/3/14

    I was in the next room and my girlfriend was watching this guy on QVC.I thought it was Keith Lemon flogging nail varnish.LOL
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    Apple ipad Air TSV 02/03/14

    EXACTLY Louise.!!
  6. R

    Apple ipad Air TSV 02/03/14

    Bargain?? Not. A person would have to be mad to buy this.You can get twicw the storage ...32 GB for less than they're selling it on QVC.Yeah you have 30 days to return.Most won't.You cant go wrong with it and quality is the best,but 16 GB of storage is nothing. I,ve just seen 32 GB Air for...
  7. R

    Faulty Tablets

    Its shameful on IW that people are still saying the same negative things about their customer service in 2014 ,as they were saying in the beginning ,and in the years leading up to now.Nothing has really changed very much at IW...and thats pathetic.
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    Prestigo Mobile Phone TSV 22/02/14

    Smarmy Dale said that his son said that it was better than the phone he owned which was much more expensive and on Android.I don't belive that for a second.Nor do I believe that everyone in the building was going crsazy for the phone.If the tablet is anything to go advice would be,"stay...
  9. R

    QVC purchasing from a Husband's perspective

    That was one of the funniest things i,ve seen in a long time. First of wasn't established who exactly is paying for this stuff.Is it him,or his wife?If its him,I'd say "JUST SAY NO" quote an old Grange Hill song.He cracked me up when he said "This expires in July 2014 before...
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    Oh no not that Abbey all day long

    I ABSOLUTELY agree.She is ABSOLUTELY the ABSOLUTE worst product presnter I've ever seen. She seems to think that using that word.."Absolutely" with every single product ,somehow makes it credible.It doesnt. Shes awful. In fact QVCs tech shows are rubbish these days.They used to have interesting...
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    A whole chapter on lamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THE GUEST...creeps me out.Something of the night about that bloke.
  12. R

    Where has Anthony's fizz gone?

    I had no idea she died.She was a famous American singer and had an act along with her husband Steve Lawrence.My parents listened to their stuff so I sort of grew up on it They had hits over there independently but they played concert halls and Vegas alot. .Always seemed like a really nice...
  13. R

    I need you on those phones

    I agree with everything you said.Thats a phrase that I would accept as being legit if it was something like Children in Need or any fund raising event..not a ****** shopping channel. They may as well say"c.mon we can't hear those tills ticking over..lets go people"
  14. R

    QVC Stop The Patronising.

    This is regarding QVCs presentation last night of todays TSV.Stop patronising viewers.Dale Franklin is by far the worst for doing this but not alone.Do you assume your talking to senile people who have been living under a rock for the last 15 years? I may be wrong but I doubt if anyone who is...
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    Archos Android Smartphone TSV 03/08/13

    I don't mean to be rude,i really don't so I hope you take this how it's meant.You only live once.Lighten up a bit. Splurge on P and P if you want a phone.Obviously I don't know your circumstances and I wouldn't be so presumptio as to speculate but how much difference will it make to your life...
  16. R

    Vita-Mix Blender, any thoughts?

    Add to that list for consideration.. I think it's better by far than the ones you have listed but the Vita-Mix for me anyway,is the best.They've been around for a long time and a 7 year warranty is good. This one has an 8 year warranty I...
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    "Wiggy" Lee what have you got on your head?

    By the way,his hair is irrelevant to anything and I don't think it's anything other than hiis own.I can spot a rug a mile off and it's his I'm pretty sure but thats beside the point. MAybe I was too flippant with my previous comment and so to redress the balance and be constructive ,I feel...
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    "Wiggy" Lee what have you got on your head?

    qvc has gone from being informative and interesting with interesting tech experts like Antony like Tim,like LJ Rich,like Katherine ( don't know her surname) like loads of others,to blaggers like Lee Hobein.He talks "twaddle" to agree with you politely.lI was going to say he talks **** but I'm...
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    Slendertone Face TSV at the end of June

    OH .that was Debbie Flint? I thought it was her daughter......then again ;)
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    Laughable Really, But I Knew This Would Happen!

    There is nothing funny about that at all.They're happy to put reviews up as long as they aren't too denigrating ???What kind of BS is that??They 're mutton dressed as lamb.Upmarket and classy my arse.Do you think if you walked into or spoke to customer services at John Lewis or Selfridges and...