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  1. M

    Lily & Van Fashion ??????

    I watched the show to see what you were on about (orange hideous flowery dress) have to say the blond model (cant remember her name) in the orange dress looked awful. I do wonder what the models say to each other back stage. Oh to be a fly on the wall.:rock:
  2. M

    You too could look like...Katie Price?!

    I really wish CC KP etc weren't constantly forced down our throats. Who cares. It's all so sad.:sad:
  3. M

    Rip off p&p

    Thank you I will have a look at that site. Huge P&P charges does stop me buying some things. The templates I mentioned were for the shaped cards, P&P put me right off. (I think handy crafters could prob make their own templates).
  4. M

    Isn't Julia married?

    I agree with you I hate the term partner so business like horrible.
  5. M

    Isn't Julia married?

    Fair enough that's her choice, but I wonder if she realizes that they will be badly stung for Inheritance Tax if the worst happened. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that. Although maybe a little morbid you do hear of these things happening with common law partners. I can remember...
  6. M

    Does Anyone Know Why Shaun Isn't Presenting Consumer Choice

    Shaun doesn't do many craft shows I suppose because he works in the evenings and craft is on in the day.
  7. M

    Does Anyone Know Why Shaun Isn't Presenting Consumer Choice

    I was just thinking the other day I haven't seen Shaun for a while. Maybe he's having a long holiday like Nigel did. Alright for soom.:grin::grin:
  8. M

    Leonie Pujol

    Totally agree with you she did need to move on.
  9. M

    Arty Farty's Carol

    I quite like her too.
  10. M

    Getting worse: Is it me?

    I have to agree about Peter Simon saying "You're getting this for less than we paid for it" very annoying, but I have noticed other presenters saying this aswell. Also I think you could get a lot of the costume jewellery cheaper elsewhere. Other than that I quite like these channels, although I...
  11. M

    Has Dawbags Had Extensions?

    I blame ITV for giving Katie air time and the trashy papers and magazines for plastering her all over the front pages. One of the reasons why I don't buy them. Shes not even a very nice person.
  12. M

    Tipsy T Caller during BE 9pm show

    I bought something years ago over the phone (before I bought pc). The sales person asked me would I like to go live on air to talk to Rob Locke. Said no thanks. Maybe I should have spoken to him.
  13. M

    Tipsy T Caller during BE 9pm show

    I can remember once a young woman calling Dawn Bibby, she said that she came across QVC one day because she was so bored and there was nothing else on. She also said her friend said to her when she placed her first order "You cant buy from QVC they are so expensive."
  14. M

    Thorntons Continental Bundle OTO

    We have an outlet store in our town, so always great bargains.
  15. M

    Jilly is so boring!

    Being a teenager in the 60's the only women with pierced ears were very old ladies with long long earlobes, and I decided I was NOT going to end up looking like that ! However, fashion designers have decided we do not exist and unless we have to put up with the button style of earring, the only...
  16. M

    You can actually read the p&p prices now!!

    I noticed that aswell also one of the presenters mentioned the p&p when selling curtains and duvet etc. Didn't mention the amount though if you bought curtains duvet and bedspread the p&p would be nearly £24.
  17. M

    Charlie - No - not the hands again

    I really hate the over the top hands flying about everywhere that all the tv presenters seem to do.
  18. M

    Jilly is so boring!

    I like Jilly and to be fair its her hair and if she likes it long then why should she have it cut.
  19. M

    turned off by martin

    To be fair to Martyn maybe upstairs are nagging in his ear to tell us the stock updates.
  20. M

    John Barrowman comes to QVC

    I much prefered him with his Scottish accent on GMTV, far sexier than the false American accent. Lets see more of it please.