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    Craig's groin

    "Craig's groin" Dear Bensmum think that must win the prize for most alarming Thread Title EVER !!!!
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    Had to reply Petpixie...... in the words of Jill Franks........"that was soooooooooo funny" My tip is to ALWAYS skip on to another channel (usually BBC NEWS haha) before switching off or stand by, cos you always get the last channel viewed when switched on again !!!!!! QVC guilty...
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    Large rises in postal charges

    [/B] You beat me to it Pickles - but it's worth drawing attention to it - definitely worth stocking up, as you rightly said they don't expire, they remain 1st or 2nd class. I run a small business from home and buy mine in sheets of 100 - maybe family members could split the cost and bulk buy...
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    "EverythinK is on 3 easypay" GRRRRRRRRRRR !

    Jill Franks will you STOP !!!!!!! "EverythinK this and "EverythinK" that. "EverythinK is on three easy pay" over and over in the Looney Lenny show. Jill please take note there is NO SUCH WORD as EverythinK Thank you
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    Joy (qvc's plus sized model)

    Did she not 'Manage' Julia's daughter Soapey when she was in a 'Pop group'? (for a brief moment in time)
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    And the baby's name Julia?

    That'a a lovely Irish name borednow - it comes from the Gaelic name Tadhg which is pronounced Tee + gue or more often Tye + gue - it means Poet or Philosopher (you probably know this already :-)
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    KitchenAid TSV Tues 6th March

    I thought it was VERY misleading that the Guest at the 1am presentation stated "this is the one that you see ALL the time on the cookery shows - all the chefs use it.." Surely the one seen frequently (Nigella's beautiful red one springs to mind) is the Kitchenaid ARTISAN model? How DO they...
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    Clarisonic Face & Body TSV 10 Feb

    Have dithered long enough.............. and placed my order. Thank you all for your very informative 'postings' - they have really helped me make my decision and I have ordered the green (fav colour !) I like the inclusion of the different heads as this will enable me to let my daughter have a...
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    how many models does kim need..

    The petite 'model' FUN - DRA (as Kim insisted) has recently been appearing "Made in Chelsea"...................... a 'posh' version of the "Only Way is Essex" (allegedly)...
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    Christmas! lets party!

    Thank you Frazzled ! "Six Mankee candles" hahaha............. Made my day !
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    I know I should get a life but...........

    I totally agree with you AMN ! The whole world now appears to use SomethinK when they clearly mean SomethinG Do somethink -grrrrrr Say somethink - grrrrr It drives me nuts ! As does the spelling mistake - SEPERATE It's SEPARATE with an "A" I tell you an "A" No such word as seperate with an...
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    Tuxedo jacket anyone........?

    Glen "fashion expert" Campbell surpassed himself yesterday, during a Michelle Dope hour by suggesting we could enhance a "little" top of hers by "throwing" on a TUXEDO JACKET............................... Oh how I laughed............. and laughed.......... and switched channels...
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    Thanks to the OP for highlighting this I have just watched it on BBC iplayer BBC 2 Newsnight 3.12.10. I am shocked at the content and cannot believe that the Couriers do not even get the Minimum Wage ?? I have a new respect for my Courier and will make sure I give her a larger 'reward' than...
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    Miss Jill Franks

    Made my day BurlyBeaR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Ice Grips

    HI Ricky, Found these, BUT Waitlist only at the moment. I bought the original ones ( they appear to have changed slightly) They are simply brilliant - hope you manage to get some. inatizzy X...
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    julias diddy feet

    So sorry you have been caught out Shopping is fun :-( You might have to re-think your 'name' :-) (sorry couldn't resist !) As Tia has already said the important thing for you and others to be aware of is that only the official Ugg has UGG in the web address. They have a page...
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    Too fast with reviews?

    Hi Moth DON'T get me started on reviews ! ! ! ! inatizzy
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    Catherine you lied

    Hello again :-) I have this morning advised C/service of the FALSE claims made during the presentation of this product and am awaiting a call from the 'appropriate department' One should not have to 'double-check' online whether or not what the presenter has just said with regard to reviews is...
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    Catherine you lied

    Ho Hum...........There's always one................ NOT a 'crisis' LoopyLoo just disgruntled at being misled and thought this was the place to air my annoyance and 'share' my feelings. (Btw Thanks Klarion you said it better than I could X) inatizzy
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    Catherine you lied

    Thank you to everyone who has replied to my rant :-) Oh my goodness I was LIVID because I felt really DUPED and was annoyed with myself for listening to Catherine's garbage. I was almost apoplectic I tell you. (I think I may be just a tad hormonal !) Will wait for delivery as it was shipped...