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  1. BakerGirl

    How long have you been watching QVC?

    Yes but you know better now LH.
  2. BakerGirl

    No More Prescriptives!

    Oh no! Just when I find a lippy and a powder that I really like.:sad:
  3. BakerGirl

    Prai Beauty TSV 15/9/09

    That guy lives in lala land.
  4. BakerGirl

    Prai Beauty TSV 15/9/09

    Hey WS are you moving from the dark side to the light? :giggle: :devil:
  5. BakerGirl

    Prescriptives TSV - 28/09/09

    You're not going for the TSV are you Donna?
  6. BakerGirl

    taboo health solutions

    I'm seeing a whole new side to you Donna :giggle:
  7. BakerGirl

    I have never liked

    I don't like, when the weather turns hot, men strutting around in their favourite football teams rig . . . including the socks. :eek: 9 times out of 10 it is sooo not a good look. What am I saying - it's never a good look especially with a greasy burger in one hand and a pint in the other.
  8. BakerGirl

    I have never liked

    You're not serious? In the city centre? This is a delight I've yet to see so I've marked it in my diary for next Thursday. Our lunches are sooo exciting. :tongue2:
  9. BakerGirl


    What????? Away to have a look.....
  10. BakerGirl


    Ooh you are. I'm an :angel: compared to your brand of ANTI F.A.R.T.I.N.G. :giggle:
  11. BakerGirl


    Yes and no. Corriemad see here - post number 35. Donna you just wait. I will find something to grass you to the F.A.R.T.S. :devil:
  12. BakerGirl

    Mario De Luigi

    Naughty watersiren :58: Poor Loveheart she going to be :heartbroke: I still love ya LH. And Bet too but she seems to have gone AWOL.:thinking2:
  13. BakerGirl

    Mario De Luigi

    Maybe so. I'm not against spending money. Just for spending it wisely. :angel: (sometimes :blush:) Ooh I've just thought of something! Watersiren is an undercover agent for QVC. That or she has shares in the company.:giggle:
  14. BakerGirl

    Mario De Luigi

    :sad::17: I'm a sensitive soul really.
  15. BakerGirl

    Mario De Luigi

    Yes and no. When one of the F.A.R.T.S. is going on about a TSV that is really good value at say £45 but they only want one item out of it, let's say for example a lipstick, well I just like to agree with them and say yes that lipstick which costs £45 is really good value and I think they should...
  16. BakerGirl

    Tuesday the 8th of Sept OTO's

    I thought they looked like something a character from Trumpton or Camberwick Green would wear. :grin:
  17. BakerGirl

    Tuesday the 8th of Sept OTO's

    I've just had a look at the Vitaform range. I won't be buying. A bit old fashioned looking and quite expensive.
  18. BakerGirl

    confession time

    OK I'll not beat about the bush - YES!!! :grin: And Jabba went on a bit of a bender but then I don't think Jabba is an official F.A.R.T.E.R. ...... yet.
  19. BakerGirl

    confession time

    But LH you've been really really good. :angel: Unlike some I could mention .... :cheeky:
  20. BakerGirl

    confession time

    Yeah - a really big F.A.R.T.:giggle: