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    Dave Bradford

    Hah. How funny that I was wondering where Dave Bradford was and I see him in Belfast (where I live) on my travels to work!
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    Halogen Ovens (with Paul Brodel)

    Lol, yeah, the things he does for us. What a guy. Maybe they will sell industrial strength glue and he can seal his lips shut one day...
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    The Britton Empire

    I got in late and so saw one of these shows. He pulled Timbo's face towards himself and said 'you've got lovely eyes' and then later on touched his legs and pointed out that 'Timbo' had shaved them
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    Peter Simon is but a pale imitation of this man

    Found a great interview with Larry and Wogan, he talks about his act here and Mr Simon could learn a thing or two by watching this:
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    Sally Jack's Voice

    What an arse
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    How big is Sally Jacks' suitcase?

    I think I remember her saying she bought this bag off the internet from a Mr Felix T Cat
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    Peter Simon is but a pale imitation of this man

    'ey no, listen...right
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    Selly selly shopping telly (game)

    I reckon we've watched enough shopping TV to wax lyrical about any old rubbish. I'll list 3 things and you can pick 1 or all and give me a couple of paragraphs of how you would sell it on Ideal World. 1. Cadbury's Curly Wurly 2. Spam 3. Clothes Pegs As we all have to sell the same tat, no...
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    Random musings and general banter.

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    Sally Jack's Voice

    I watched the show (I'm studying and have it on in the background) with Mike and Bev. He is such a bargain bucket Jim Davidson, he referred to his mother-in-law as a fat hippo (I believe Bev replied 'it was nice working with you' as in your career is now over) and he continued this routine, 'she...
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    Sally Jack's Voice

    Limited stock. Technically sold out.
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    Sally Jack's Voice

    I went to see Bucks Fizz in the 90s and I believe she was in the group then so I can't complain about her voice, but I can understand what you mean. It doesn't bother me. Ju7st as a general point, I don't think she is deliberately conning people I just think she is a bit clueless with much of...
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    Peter Simon is but a pale imitation of this man

    Oh yes and I have seen him pull an Ada move when he mixes it up with a hint of Les Dawson:
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    Peter Simon is but a pale imitation of this man

    I also remember the late Dustin Gee did a superb Larry Grayson impression 'the muck on 'ere' *mimes wiping finger*
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    Random musings and general banter.

    Hah and I live down the road from the former DeLorean factory
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    who sells the most?

    I noticed just now that Shaun mentioned his contract got renewed, he was joking that his new contract stated he must be able to multi task but that he was rubbish at it. But I wonder how long it was for? He is a fairly harmless chap but he doers amuse me.
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    Once Upon A Time...Ideal World Beginnings

    Now apologies if you have seen this already but this is a Channel 4 Documentary about the launch of Ideal World. Contains some early Shaun Ryan. Warning: contains Max Clifford
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    Random musings and general banter.

    Quite the selection of tatty tv
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    The Howard Griffiths C-Rap

    I was feeling inspired after reading through some threads and decided to donate a script for Howard to use in one of his shows, to open the hour. It is in the style of a rap. My name is Howard and I welcome you. I'm gonna flog some tat and talk about poo. You might not think there's a way for...