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  1. Lottie

    Kipling opinions please.

    *hates* brown rice....
  2. Lottie

    Kipling opinions please.

    I have 3 and I use them all the time - one's a rucksack, I have a cross body bag which is brilliant for shopping and another really common one with a bit more room in which is good too. Love em!! :)
  3. Lottie

    JR & The Tweet That Went Horribly WRONG!!

    Have to admit I smelt doom when Julia said about tweeting. I managed to listen to a few she read out - I was half expecting forum names like Burlz :giggle: to crop up...When they didn't I must have nodded off and missed the excitement. Can't believe QVC didn't anticipate something like that...
  4. Lottie

    Yong kim fashion

    Is that Ozzie Osborne modelling?
  5. Lottie

    Wiggy Lee

    *snigger* I thought I was having a fit of deja vu - glad Simon posted to remind me we've been here before on Wiggy :giggle:
  6. Lottie

    Yong kim fashion

    This is VILE! It's like a loose nappy. Who in their right mind would pay £90 for this?
  7. Lottie

    inflation busting price increases

    The second one is more like 50%....eeeek!! Wish my payrise was the same :cheeky:
  8. Lottie

    JR - put weight on???

    I think it's hard as you get older....I can remember a time when losing a little bit of weight and having a sun tan did wonders! In my 30s I never seemed to have to worry about anything as I had the time to go to the gym and pamper myself. But then...the inevitable family and worries come...
  9. Lottie

    The Guitar Wizard

    Quite an interesting appraisal of it:
  10. Lottie

    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    Probably a man that's colour blind decided it was grey! Many of them see greens and browns completely differently.
  11. Lottie

    Karcher Window Vac Pick of the Day

    I wonder if Argos have a spy in the IW camp :clapping:
  12. Lottie

    No graphics

    All shopping channels are guilty of this though aren't they? The only time they mention P and P is when they aren't charging any (not very often!) :wink:
  13. Lottie

    Does this picture inspire you to buy?

    I'm saddened that there are only 2 colour choices.... :blush:
  14. Lottie

    Free P and P

    What gets me is if they can offer free P and P over there, they ought to be able to do it over here. You can float the whole of the UK on the Great logistics must be far more expensive over there if you've got to ship stuff from one side of the US to the other. So why not free P...
  15. Lottie

    The Guitar Wizard

    Can't wait for a similar device for the piano which means I'll be able to play (without really being able to play) ermmmmm CHOPSTICKS :tongue:
  16. Lottie

    Silver Last Clicks lots of half price or better offers

    Thanks SCW, I was tempted but I got very annoyed when I saw the same items on the US site where they were offering free P and P while we're all being ripped off in the UK :sad:
  17. Lottie

    Free P and P

    Well I hope they are reading this, because it's not on. If the US can be offered free P and P (or a one-off charge per order at least then we should get it too. QVC have become far too complacent. Many a time I haven't ordered in the past because it would cost too much to order with the PandP...
  18. Lottie

    Stephen Gayford art? Overrated?

    I can't say I've seen his paintings, but if the one at the top of this thread is anything to go by, I don't find it appealing. That one looks like a fuzzy photo to me. It's flat....there's hardly anything going on in it...I like my paintings to contain a little action - whether it's the drama...
  19. Lottie

    Free P and P

    I see they have free shipping and handling all over the US QVC site. How come we don't have it? I just had a look at some last clicks and there were 4 things I'd have loved, but I object to paying so much P and P so I have cancelled my basket. *sob*
  20. Lottie

    JF- such a girlie

    Yup, have had a glass of wine and have got a 2500 word assignment to write so I'm letting my hair down before tomorrow!