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  1. R

    Yankee Candle Lady

    According to the August newsletter, it's another set of 3 tart burners in a slightly different shape to the dancing bird ones. IMO they look a bit crap compared to the original ones.
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    Yankee Candle Lady

    Yeah, out of the three guests they have on for Yankee, this one is my favourite by a long chalk.
  3. R

    Charlie Bears : Am I being cynical?

    Yep, couldn't agree more, they're fanatical. :puke:
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    Sebastian Bohm on IW

    He looks like the lovechild of Harald Pompoos & David Gest
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    If I see anymore fluffy teddy bears or musical eyeores on QVC....

    The OP was stating his opinion. HE was sick of it, I don't remember him saying that anyone else had to agree with him. But he is entitled to his opinion. But the slating started afetr his original post. And I agree with him TBH, but even if I didn't, he has the right to express his opinion...
  6. R

    If I see anymore fluffy teddy bears or musical eyeores on QVC....

    I do think it's very strange seeing adults cooing & drooling over stuffed animals. Cute some of them might be, but 'Jesus wept', they're not real!!! Just my opinion, no need for anyone to start having a go.
  7. R

    Honora TSV this Friday

    It probably won't come down in price for about a month. Any less than that and they would have to put a note on the website that it has previously been sold at a lower price. This is because they show their RRP price with a line through it. Something to do with selling regulations I think. I...
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    I know I should get a life but...........

    Another one from last week. He was going out to a meeting, so he sent an e-mail to all staff:- 'If anyone once me, Ill be back at two'. :angry:
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    I know I should get a life but...........

    My boss can't understand the difference between 'accept' & 'except'. It really annoys me, especially when he sends official e-mails with the mistake on them. Makes him look like a fool IMO.
  10. R

    Janice presenting alone?

    To be honest Janice and Loen are the only two presenters who don't annoy the hell out of me. If they are giving her shows to present on her own I might be more tempted to watch. (Still wouldn't buy off them though)!
  11. R

    Desert Island Beauty Show - 21st July

    Yes, we enjoyed this show as well. Pity they had to have it on in the day when a lot of people would have been at work etc. Much better than JF's show. Kathy is slowly taking over from Pipa as my favourite presenter.
  12. R

    I know I should get a life but...........

    Brilliant website PPC, Thanks (thank's) very much!! :giggle:
  13. R

    L'Occitane TSV/Beauty Day 17th July

    I do see your point Sazza, but they were sending out about 15,000 of them. TNT only charge us £6.00 per parcel up to 15kg, but for that quantity it would come down to about £3.00, so they are ripping us off IMO.
  14. R

    It smells rank.

    Did anyone see JF & AY last night trying to work out how to use QVC's version of an ipad? They were trying to find reviews of this. Jill read out (on air) the first review. She stopped halfway...
  15. R

    Help needed please

    Did you get it delivered to an address different from your home address? When I get things delivered to home the invoice always shows the value, but if I get it delivered to work, the value always shows as zero. I think they do this in case you are buying a gift and getting delivered direct...
  16. R

    Can anyone remember make up range

    This palette is still in Clearance - Knew I had seen it recently. Saying all colours still available.
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    I Love Suarti, but...

    I honestly think she's totally off her rocker
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    Return of presenter or guest

    Don't know her name, but the lady who used to do Kipling Bags. I've never bought one & never will but I liked her voice for some reason.
  19. R

    Any reccommendations on the juicer ???

    I agree. Mine ended up costing me about a tenner to send back, so I wouldn't think of ever trying another one now.
  20. R

    Anna New Presenter Starts Today

    Thanks for the heads-up. It has reminded me to miss the 2pm show. Who at QVC thought it would be a good idea to team her up with the Grinning Idiot?? Saw him the other day pretending a couple of pans were some new earrings!! The idiot fool.