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  1. petpixie

    The All New Perimenopause Thread

    Good for you Jude! Luxuriate in the peace and quiet and do absolutely nothing except exactly what you want to do. I really have learned that if we don't take care of ourselves the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. I think sometimes we think we're invincible and can do it all with no...
  2. petpixie

    The All New Perimenopause Thread

    I'll give that a go! And I know exactly what you mean about sympathy and understanding! It's strange (or sad!) that it sometimes comes more from 'strangers' on a forum than our families. I think they just see us as good old mum/wife capable of plodding on and handling anything that comes our...
  3. petpixie

    My Best (I mean Worst) Christmas Present, thank you QVC

    That's incredible! It seems almost like a taunt or a tease. I find it hard to believe they could stoop so low to play these kind of games. They've lost the plot!
  4. petpixie

    The All New Perimenopause Thread

    Oh Jude so sorry you're having such an awful time! My mum is just getting over shingles ( down one side of her face) and I've just finished the giving her the Aciclovir (5 a day) plus antibiotics as it looked they they had got infected. This all had to be done through her peg tube as well as...
  5. petpixie

    The All New Perimenopause Thread

    Well after 6 months (possibly more) of being period free they've come back! I had a headache from hell (so bad I threw up) and said to hubby this is just like a pre period headache and then wham! There it was! I can't deny I'm happy, although I had convinced myself that was that and I was...
  6. petpixie

    2013 Support thread

    It is hard Karen and some days I just want to reach for the chocolates and numb myself with food, and that would be easy to do, but I need my health to be good to care for mum (and also my family) and gorging on food wouldn't help in the long run. I've always had to watch what I eat very...
  7. petpixie

    Who lives in a house like this ??

    It's all oh so aspirational...and bland!
  8. petpixie

    Thank you Julia

    I bought Diane Gilman jeans a while ago in a size 10 ~ Apart from being hideous, I could have fitted two of me in one leg! Their sizing is way off.
  9. petpixie

    Shocking, do men watch Ideal World for this reason?

    It's quite unbelievable what some men find titillating. Poor sad individuals.
  10. petpixie

    2013 Support thread

    So sorry felinewoman. I hope your mum is comfortable and you're coping with the situation. I know how stressful it is. I've been caring for my mum for the last 5 years. She has a horrible neurological disease (Like Parkinson's but worse!) and has dementia. She's bed bound and nearing the end. On...
  11. petpixie

    Moet&muffins - Mike Mason

    This is what really upsets and infuriates me. The thought that vulnerable people are being taken for a ride. I honestly don't understand how the company or the people who work at Bid can reconcile this with themselves. Yes, it's entertaining tv and we can all have a laugh, but bottom line there...
  12. petpixie

    mike mason

    So do the rest of us ~ that's why we steer clear of Bid (obviously so does he!)
  13. petpixie


    Alternatively.....<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. petpixie


    I always hated the over plucked 70's brow look and never went down that path. Nor did I do the 80's thing of huge furry eyebrows! Now we're onto the more sculpted Groucho Marks look! Imo pluck the stragglers, achieve a nice natural shape and that gives the most flattering look and stops you...
  15. petpixie


    I'll have that playing in my head next time he's on the bed (maybe he will too)!! :mysmilie_483:
  16. petpixie


    Howard is ok. He has been known to make me laugh (especially on the bed!) I don't watch IW much at all, but he's probably the most entertaining imo.
  17. petpixie

    No fancy diets for CH!

    I thought she swore by the diet chef stuff :cheeky:
  18. petpixie

    Carmel's baby

    There are some gorgeous pics of Carmel and her new baby up on QVC facebook. He's a wee cutie!
  19. petpixie

    Internet retailers are kicking the QVC fashion sale well into the shade!

    ATM a lot of their customers are probably fairly old! (I feel quite cheeky saying that!) and maybe aren't computer savvy, but that will all change. Q are going to have to up their game or they will crash and burn. They must surely realize this? I wonder how they plan to roll with the times?