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  1. O

    Unheated sapphires and lagoon tourmaline

    And thank you for replying. I was hoping the thread title would catch your attention, given your history of buying unheated sapphires 😊
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    Unheated sapphires and lagoon tourmaline

    "On screen processing" was meant to say "on screen prices", I really should spell check for auto corrects before I post! I've seen so-called indicolite on Gemporia and GC, it all looks green to me. I thought the lagoon piece earlier at least had some blue tones but not worthy of £279 of my...
  3. O

    Gem Collector Prices

    Sounds like it's the same stock. I didn't watch, as I'm not interested in marcasite. Is it a sister mineral to pyrite? I've had pyrite cabs oxidise, so I'm reluctant to buy sulfide minerals now.
  4. O

    Jade - Opinion.

    This is my preferred format now. Let's see all the pieces for the hour up front, on a wheel, and I can request what I'm interested in seeing. I've noticed there are lots of pieces on pre orders now that don't even make it on to air. Many are price-dropped at the end of the hour en masse...
  5. O

    Unheated sapphires and lagoon tourmaline

    On screen processing were £499 And £279 Is that fair? Sapphire looked paler on screen than on the website. Good clarity from what I could see. Tourmaline looked more bluish-green than blue with undertones of green. Some small visible inclusions but good for a tourmaline I think.
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    Unheated sapphires and lagoon tourmaline

    This is a quick question for anyone with an eye on Gem Collector tonight... Wondering what a decent price is for these two stones? I've had a quick look on Gem Select but can't see any direct comparisons.
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    Ruby quartz

    Thanks for wanting to follow this up. I took the screenshot at 11:17am today.
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    Ruby quartz

    I don't want to be a snitch. I've first found Gems TV 15 years ago, I've had 100s (probably 1000s) of hours watching. I'm fond of them, nostalgic maybe. I'm hoping they can turn things around and become a decent company. But this misleading needs to stop.
  9. O

    Ruby quartz

    I can't recall which thread this issue was originally raised on, so I'm starting a new thread. TMWNN, was it you who successfully reported them for using the name "Ruby quartz"? Are they banned from using that name? I've just tuned in, spotted this in the previously auctioned pieces (I didn't...
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    I think the feedback is getting through

    Yes, I remember they'd show most rings off the finger and give a full 'gyroscope' view. Haven't seen that in a loooong time.
  11. O

    Somebody please buy Adina a dictionary

    Holy moly. Admin Expenses in 2022 were nearly 4x the bottom line profit figure. £22m to the directors and £6m in the bank. Doesn't quite seem sustainable for a business that's dealing with relatively expensive "raw materials"/inputs. Then in 2023 there's £10m less in top line sales figures...
  12. O

    What's the best thing you've bought?

    Glad you found it!
  13. O

    'Double Blue' Aquamarine.

    At least they didn't emulate Farrow and Ball and start naming things "elephant's breath" 🤣
  14. O

    What's the best thing you've bought?

    Some great stones there! I'm fond of danburite too, I had a couple of natural crystals. Eudialyte is a lovely colour. I'm going to have to look up some of the others!
  15. O

    'Double Blue' Aquamarine.

    It's a marketing ploy, to tie it in to the "home of genuine gemstones". Pretending to be Cleopatra, crushing actual minerals to make eyeshadows. Although I did raise an eyebrow at the cashmere wraps a few months ago... wasn't there a hi-vis yellow one called citrine???
  16. O

    What's the best thing you've bought?

    Ametrine, gosh yes. They used to have some huuuge pieces of ametrine. And I was amazed at the colour of the neon apatite. Absolutely bonkers what mother nature can put together!
  17. O

    What's the best thing you've bought?

    Great to hear about your pieces too. What are some of those unusual stones you've picked up from GC? (I wouldn't worry too much about the current situation regarding stones from Russia - geology was doing its thing long before us humans invented geopolitics.)
  18. O

    What's the best thing you've bought?

    Oooh you've had some lovely pieces and absolute bargains over the years! Great to hear about them. Tookalon is a name I remember, I don't think I bought any of those pieces. I didn't see the "finger bangle" style rings, they sound immense! I was only a sporadic watcher over the years, I don't...
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    What's the best thing you've bought?

    I miss those days too. Calm, knowledgeable, personable presenters. Gemstones you'd never find on the high street - does anyone remember amblygonite or astraeolite?
  20. O

    Gem Collector Prices

    An excellent summary. I've definitely got rose tinted glasses for those early days when I first started watching circa 15 years ago. I haven't watched consistently over that time... Do you think the business model changed during covid lockdowns? With people not being able to go out physically...