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    Lyndsay ...

    Well, even if it is a (rather insulting) portrayal of Minerva. She's a Roman Goddess, not Greek (the closest Greek equivalent is Athene). (I'll go back to pedant corner now.)
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    Now Steady Yourselves... Jess "Three Tops" Foley

    I think that colour really suits her - and that's honest and not sarcasm.
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    Now Steady Yourselves... Jess "Three Tops" Foley

    GTN sprays for cardiac conditions on standby. Jess is on now. In a LILAC top! Not grey, not red but LILAC!
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    Treatments - now clearer?

    That's weird. Jade Troth was showing pearls today and saying the GIA and others are now using carat weight rather than mm for pearls - including freshwater cultured.
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    Gemporia still sinking

    Actually, I was wincing a bit at Angeline today. There was a 30-inch chain, at £19.99 and she was saying: "Just sling it in your baskets." (A phrase she has taken to using an awful lot in a: "It's dead cheap so it doesn't matter" way.) Now I know that not many people who are really struggling...
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    Gemporia still sinking

    Yes, but I would rather you did that without using my post please. I am glad you agree though. I flagged the last few pages up to the mods when I posted last. As I felt maybe somebody should before it escalated. I don't think the thread should be closed though. Unless we start a "Gemporia Still...
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    Gemporia still sinking

    Please do not use my very reasoned and neutral post to try and score points against others. Leave me out of this please - and my posts.
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    Gemporia still sinking

    I agree with Vapid. Please can this be taken to the mods and off the forum?
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    Jade Troth is back

    They seem to be doing pretty much the same show now. Apparently, the Lady who was originally saying she had a piece tested and it came back "inconclusive" then sent four pieces off to Anchor asking for them to be tested to see if they were Type A. Which they were. She then gave consent for them...
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    Jade Troth is back

    I didn't see it. But I have never got the hoo-hah about "Type A" anyway. It just means untreated. Surely the best jade has more going for it than just being untreated? Like colour? Does it have inclusions? If it is carved how good is the carving? To be honest Jade does not float my boat anyway...
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    Gem Collector Prices

    Well, someone has to pay off their bank loan and pay for Colin's mistakes and it won't be them - not if they have anything to do with it. :)
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    Schedule changes?

    I do seem to dimly recall someone, who seemed to know what was going on at 'Poria saying they would not be going out of business - until at least next April - which would be this April - at least. This because of the involvement of their bank in some kind of rescue deal or other.
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    Sexist gender bias male TJC 'experts'

    Much the same with Gemporia's upper levels. Steve, Toby, Jake, Dave. You now get Cherry Cavill from time to time. Sarah never appears. The experts Glenn, Wobito's, Yianni, Ty the Turquoise guy, Charlie - for a station that sells predominately to Women, Women are horrendously under-represented...
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    Ellis Ward

    Ellis is such a cheer-leading company Girl - that's the aspect that grinds my gears. It comes across as brown-nosing (sorry Ellis, but it does). She also trains the newbies - or has a hand in it, so she has a lot to answer for there. I do wish she would take a leaf out of Jeff's book. Keep it...
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    I am definitely not one of the "most". I can take or leave diamonds. I prefer coloured stones. For glittery accents I would prefer decent white zircons - given the choice. Mum loved a diamond - but I don't see the appeal. Maybe I am missing out on something - but it keeps the jewellery bill down...
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    Schedule changes?

    I have always been a massive cheerleader for "Team Jeff". But, he is getting a little too "polished" and beginning to toe the company line a bit more than he used to. With all the schtick and spiel. I preferred him being simple, direct, not-too-hard-saleman-ish and showing off his genuine...
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    Bennett Vault

    With you on the questionable Turquoise. If I was Steve Bennett, with his access to good stones, I probably would not collect Bonita Turquoise that is made of smaller bits of Turquoise compressed together. Pretty colour, but probably not the best investment.
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    I strongly suspect Ellis reads here. Hello Ellis.

    This afternoon, Ellis was pontificating that "some cynical people" think that the presenters know what the prices will be and that they are acting when they seemed shocked. She said the presenters have a sheet of paper with the recommended prices but the producers often go lower than this so the...
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    Latest soundbite - "I could not even get this for staff cost."

    Another thing I have noticed in the last few days is a few presenters now have started saying: "I could not even get this price at staff cost/ with my staff discount." It's noticeable because they have all started saying it at the same time during this sale. I do find myself wondering if it has...
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    Treatments - now clearer?

    Ah, I did not think they were doing it willingly. But it's a step forward for the consumer - and shows that contacting the ASA does have a concrete effect that even Gems don't always ignore.