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  1. S

    Angelina's fan club

    I don't like Angelina, she smiles but that smiles drops in a second and doesn't reach her eyes. I've also seen her slightly annoyed about something - I can't remember what - and I get the impressions she can be quite fierce. But mostly, it's the fake smile and the hard sell. Not my taste.
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    "House of Malachite" - LOL! - Trough and Angeline

    That's nothing he did a big slice of it for £1,499. Said if it didn't sell he would take it to Sotheby's! Well, yeah you can take it - but that doesn't mean they will accept it or it will get that price, all that says is you will take it with you - doesn't even say you will show it to them. I...
  3. S

    "House of Malachite" - LOL! - Trough and Angeline

    On now, "House of Malachite". Trough seems to have caught Ellis's delusion of grandeur with no real understanding of the correct use of "House of..." or the history of that terminology. The arrogance, the ignorance and the hubris is almost tangible - and definitely laughable. I actually laughed...
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    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Again? Bless her, she can't stay away! Hi Ellis, how's the blood pressure these days?
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    Jade Troth is back

    I have a piece of Csarite. It's one carat and in a cluster of very good zircons. There is a definite and very noticeable colour shift in the Csarite. I get the deep pinks red and greens.
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    Jade Troth is back

    Have to admit my personal preference is for very large and gnarly baroque pearls, especially fireballs. I know it's not everyone's ideal of perfect but I like them. If they are white I can tolerate bleaching - if reasonably priced to reflect that. If coloured, no dye, no coating, no bleach...
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    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Ah... She can call me what she wants. As long as she stops behaving like a children's TV presenter and patronising me - and her entire audience. I wish she would just talk to us - like an adult - rather than sing at us, play games of trust with us and so forth. Most of us like Jeff - and he does...
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    Random Comment.

    Good choice though. Chrome Diopside is one of my favourite stones. Shame that most of the stuff they have now is "included" or "heavily included". Back in the day it was mostly "slightly included".
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    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    LOL! Again? What did she say this time? Hi Ellis, remember "Comment is free".
  10. S

    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    She has also just compared their charms to Sabo, Pandora and a rather mundane egg charm to Faberge. But the hideous little carved amethyst peacock she showed (which comes with a Kimbie diffuser) is apparently, an "Objet D'Art". She really is over-egging the pudding today. All very laughable if...
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    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Watching a bit of Gemporia. Just tuned in to see Ellis selling "Menagerie" charm bracelets and charms by Kimbie. Ellis said: "This is the latest offering from the House of Kimbie". I was alone but actually laughed out loud at the sheer pretension of it. It's Kimbie love, it's not Chanel. What...
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    L'Occitane TSV 18/4/24

    I like their Immortelle Divine Cream but would love to find a cheaper sub that is as good at moisturising my face. Anybody?
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    Ludicrous Prices

    Did you look at the lone review for the necklace Ellis was selling? Apparently only parts of the necklace are 999. Seems a bit weird, if not misleading, unless of course they declare it. "It is lovely. The issue I have is that there is no markings on the necklace to say it’s 999. It has 925 on...
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    New Presenter - Josie

    Just took a peek.. You'll never guess! Jade... I do wish they would just bore off with the jade.
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    New Presenter - Josie

    When, I wonder, are Gemporia going to realise the shouty, faux-excitement style of selly-telly is outdated and not appreciated? They seem to recruit and train presenters who are more suited to Children's TV. I do not want Ellis singing at me and playing silly games of Trust. I do not want...
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    Schedule changes?

    No surprise. After all she is our number one fan! Hi Ellis, you really shouldn't keep coming here, it's not good for your blood pressure - and people of our age do have to be careful don't we poppet?
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    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    This is good news indeed. Perhaps they will actually take some notice now. I have my doubts... but I will try to be optimistic. :)
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    Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST!

    Nicely done. It's only a matter of time until they fudge info on treatments again. Or refer to everything as Jade, or something. But I am curious as to what the ASA Council can, or will, actually do? It seems that people complain to the ASA, who do nothing and then after an awful lot of...
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    What would make you buy from Gemporia again?

    I got my "Nilamani" when they were still flogging it as Daha Kyanite - at a fraction of the cost.
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    Gemporia still sinking

    This is one of the reasons I always record the show if I buy something from it. Just in case . Didn't used to. Don't trust them enough not to now. I also always use a credit card - if I buy - if they go under then I have some protection because I used the card.