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  1. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    No worries Sazza. I will not be responding to them again. :)
  2. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    This I know, and I have apologised and you have accepted for which I am grateful. However, it could be an idea to learn not to rub salt into the wounds or patronise people. I made a mistake and I have apologised and I will apologise for that again but it does not mean I have to be insulted and...
  3. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    I had a look at the Glassdoor reviews of Gemporia as a place to work. They were not joyous reading There were one or two that were good but the majority were pretty awful and left me feeling like I had been a total mug to accept the "one big family" line. This latest saga at Gemporia has really...
  4. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Apologies, I thought history mystery was the return of Jainey. I now see that was probably incorrect.
  5. S

    Ignore User Function

    Just bumping this in case someone needs it. x
  6. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Don't forget there is the option to "ignore" posters on this site. I have just availed myself of it. ;)
  7. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    They were very handy sometimes. :)
  8. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    It's funny how "Jainey" AKA "HistoryMystery" only turns up when there are posts telling truths that Gemporia would not want people to know. I think the plan is to troll and flame so that people respond in droves and the original posts get swamped with flame wars and junk so people cannot be...
  9. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Please do think about this Townieland. I am not sure if you have covered your tracks or not - IT-wise - in no way am I trying to silence you. But I do not want to see you burned or persecuted in any way for simply telling the truth. Hopefully, you will have covered your tracks - just in case...
  10. S

    Gemporia - struggling financially?

    Thank you very much for your courage in posting this. I know you would have thought long and hard about it and it is appreciated. x
  11. S


    Interesting. I did not know that. I did take a picture on it in auction - which includes the price. In case I decided to order it later. I've just taken a snap of it on the web. So, I can prove what I am saying. Why do they carry on doing it though, if they have had warnings? If it illegal why...
  12. S

    Jade, jade, jade

    Also, do they really think we are dumb? Why would they sell this Jade to us if they could sell it for thousands more to Asprey or whoever? Particularly, at a time when they, of their own admission, are struggling and Steve has put his own money in to the company so they can speed up refunds...
  13. S


    Yup, with you on the 7am. The necklace was in a 7am show and I have noticed this in that show before. In the past there was a pendant I liked. I asked them to show it and they did - at a price that was HIGHER than the one it had been on the web for ten minutes previously. Obviously I did not...
  14. S


    To make it worse, I just noticed the web listing at £311.19 has "Sale - £77.80 off this item" on it. So that makes £388.99 - as the non-sale price - still over £100 less than the auction price. Are they making this up as they go along? I'm off to TJC and QVC until at least Christmas. If they...
  15. S


    This is something else that is going to have to change before they get another red cent from me. Yesterday, there was a lilac fireball pearl necklace in the auction. I was really tempted but as I have foresworn purchasing from them until they get their act together I resisted. It was a hefty...
  16. S

    Steve & Sarah back at Gemporia

    I am so glad it is not just me.
  17. S

    Jade, jade, jade

    I do wonder if presenters have "bought" items on air, showed their purchase to the audience only to later cancel the "purchase" before midnight on the same day. But, maybe, I have a suspicious mind.
  18. S

    Steve & Sarah back at Gemporia

    My pet peeve is presenters who do not know when to use "are" as opposed to "is", and vice-versa. For example, "There is seven of these". Now, I am not a grammar Nazi - but I think when you are a presenter on the telly and constantly talking to the public you do need to know this. Amelia used to...
  19. S

    Jade, jade, jade

    Now steady yourselves... Lock your credit cards away.... There's a(nother) jade showcase at 9am today. It's a "Guest Special" and there is a pic of Jade Troth next to it on the TV schedule. Probably a good time to go and wash the pots and pans...
  20. S

    Steve & Sarah back at Gemporia

    I've been thinking about this - and all the presenters I really liked, have left or gone to collector. Jeff - gone. Drew - Gone. Alex - Gone. The lovely northern lass who was the chain buyer - gone. Jim - gone to collector. Millie - gone. Jim - gone to collector. Derek seems to be on the missing...