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  1. D

    Guest Portabilty

    Mind, if you have time on your hands you can watch all QVC live progs from their retrospective web sites. I find the japanese one the hardest to decipher.
  2. D

    Please not Julian again

    I don't think he's any good presenting on his own. Very little about the product and fills in with waffle.
  3. D


    We have had ours over 14 Months used at least twice a week with no problems. We don't even watch over ours. It was probably the first early batches which had their problems.
  4. D


    We sent something back a couple of months ago costing £89.00. Posted the item on a Friday afternoon and it was on my credit card statement as refunded on the Tuesday. I, like you was expecting 4-5 week wait. Most surprised (well gobsmacked). Better than QVC have ever done.
  5. D

    DIY US style

    Did you notice Shaun being extra interested just like they are on the American info commercials. So false.
  6. D


    We switch over if he's on. The consist looking at the monitor he does all the time another niggle.
  7. D

    Max Wall reincarnated

    She's the Queen. She reads on here to see too much attention being given to CH, JF and JB and likes to draw your attention back to her, so what better way of doing it. !!! I blame QVC management for not having standards of dress code.
  8. D

    Collection of Return Item

    As anybody tried emailing to the top in the USA. I wonder if that would get anywhere?
  9. D

    Aother Bose TSV???

    I reckon they got the wrong details in the info box on that website.. The portable is shown on page 2 at £348.99. Or am I missing something here?
  10. D

    Aother Bose TSV???

    I thought I'd seen the adverts for a Sounddock. Not sure which one though... The original usually £199.. The sleeker, smarter version at £249 or the portable which retails at £349. All the prices taken from Bose collection book. It will be interesting to see which one and if its a good offer...
  11. D

    Twisty Mops and suchlike
  12. D

    Bose TSV Advance orders

    I would imagine they have renewed their stock earlier than anticipated. Hence they want your money to start delivery.
  13. D

    Bose TSV 20.11.10

    So we didn't get value after all. I see its now £100 cheaper on Bose site, so add the Ipod dock and it comes to the same price as what QVC were selling it for. . . Oops.... Just noticed one with CD one without.. .
  14. D

    Bose TSV 20.11.10

    That's what they kept saying. You will have to remove the jack plug from the Ipod dock and plug it into the TV each time of course. I suppose if you dont want the faff you can buy some adaptor to link the two at Maplins or somewhere. . Gone for mine anyway.
  15. D

    Slanket TSV??

    We had to wash ours twice to get rid of the fluff. Its still coming off.
  16. D

    But this time I mean it!

    It was just the same with the alarm system in that 1100pm hour. The poor woman guest couldn't get a word in for his verbal diarrhoea. Too full of himself now.
  17. D

    I love Julian!

    Another presenter who cuts in whilst the guest is trying to describe things... A classic example was the Bose hour last night. Waffle Waffle.
  18. D

    Sort it QVC!!

    Its turned into a channel mostly for women. Just had a fashion week-end and lo and behold it full day of Ladies stuff again today. Even my Wife is sick off it now.
  19. D

    I have got a little place in Spain!

    Look on the positive side... She might spend more time there than on QVC. .
  20. D

    wonder cooker

    . Did you manage to get one of these Jude..?. We were thinking of the IW ones for the motorhome.. They did say this morning to be aware of the copy ones. Something going through the legal process about it apparently. .