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    QVC Presenters' Wages

    Even if they're only presenting 8-10 hours a week, you could probably at least double that to take account of preparation - meeting the guests/swotting up on the products/dressing/make-up etc. Dawn Bibby mentions in her own blog that she also attends many meetings when she is down in London, so...
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    JF's Word For Today

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    QVC- has become stale & jaded

    I've only bought one kit today and that was the assortment of Prima flowers. Nothing else really took my fancy. One thing puzzled me. There was a Prima kit (paper, flowers and ribbons) which was introduced as New Today. I've already got that kit and when I clicked the item on the website, there...
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    Disney Couture Jewellery

    Hadn't noticed this thread before, and haven't actually read the posts. To me, 'Disney' and 'couture' don't really go together. Am I missing something??
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    What if...

    This is exactly what crossed my mind when I first read the thread, namely that the OP suffered from some sort of 'shopping addiction' and that the question in a way was a cry for help. It's just not 'normal' behaviour to place an order for many items with no intention of paying for a high...
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    What if...

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    What if...

    Yeah, one or two mistakes - OK. After that, most people learn from their mistakes. A few others - obviously not!
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    What if...

    I've read the thread, and I think that the other posts are being HONEST with igelkott. She/he asked the question after all, and frankly I'm appalled that someone can order something without really being interested in paying for the item. OK maybe once or twice at most (and even then, I think the...
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    OMG! I've just seen it. The 'models' look like trannies.
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    Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare TSV - 4th July

    Oh dear! It must be just me then, because I left the computer trying to load the website about 2 hrs ago, and ..... nothing! Strange. Why would that happen??
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    Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare TSV - 4th July

    Thanks everyone. I don't even get the header!! All I can see is a pale blue screen. This has never happened before, just the past two days. Anyway, I'll leave it as you suggest and return in a few hours!
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    Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare TSV - 4th July

    I've been trying to access the Liz Earle website for a few days, and all I'm getting is a blank screen. Could anybody else have a go just to see if it's a general problem or just me!! Thanks.
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    B Makowsky

    I like it - especially in Sage - but won't be buying.
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    How do you like your Diamonique?

    On somebody else.
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    Roman Originals !

    I'm the same supercoolwillow! Never heard of them in my life.
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    How often do you buy on

    Always online, through Rpoints.
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    What percentage of stuff do you return to QVC?

    I've never had reason to send anything back. I guess I've been lucky in that nothing was damaged or faulty. I buy about 6-10 items every month, mostly craft and some skincare products. Love my one pair of Markon boots and Rockfort trainers. The only real tat I ever bought was a pair of Artscape...
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    OMG Daniel

    I just watched the clip, and can't see anything wrong with the presentation! It's just average, run of the mill stuff. No worse than many of the other presenters, and much better than some of them!
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    WELL DONE QVCDelivery ~ Have I missed something?

    I've had a bit of a spending spree lately with QVC, and I've also noticed that delivery time has improved a lot. 4 working days seems to be about average now.
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    alter ego, I made the comment about staying at home on benefits, because I have seen so many people do that. If the illness is genuine, then that's what the benefits are for, thank goodness. I made the comment to illustrate that what LG has done is particularly commendable because she has to...