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    Mark Ryes

    I actually like Mark as well - think he comes across as a decent guy and is watchable.
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    How to crucify an omlette. Yes it's wayne the chef!

    Haha - I can't believe they still allow this on air. I wonder if even Sit-up take it seriously, or if they're all in hysterics the gallery.
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    Bidtv Annoying Sayings

    "These are going to abolustely fly / These are gone at this price" - Auction ends with 200 still left... But my absolutely bug bear is "You know me, I tell it as it is...." followed by some BS. I've heard Simon, Mason, and Russell all use this one every 30 mins or so.
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    I've been a naughty customer, but I had to do it, sorry!

    I've seen Bid sell the same generic products that you can find in Aldi/Poundstretcher and dodgy high street bargain shops - I have actually seen them flogging stuff I've seen on sale in Poundland. They really do just slam a made-up brand label on cheap products!
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    Multi-Purpose Ladder

    Haha poor Charlie - credit to him for handling it well, and for Andy for keeping it funny. I always think those multi-ladder things seem very shakey, the presenters usually look a bit nervous when demoing them. There's a few other bloopers I've seen (US) of TV presenters falling through/off...
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    Mike and his dongle

    I hate the way that Mike pretends this product is equal to or even better then a full Sky or Virgin subscription. He usually claims to be into technology etc so he surely must KNOW that he's selling a bit of tat and his comparison is inaccurate. His whole 'I pay XX for Sky" is just his horrible...
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    This weeks ASA ruling against Sit Up - 13 February 2013

    It's now clear why the Bid presenters have suddenly started mentioning the p&p and phonecall costs in the past month! While all shopping channels do charge p&p and some for the phonecalls, Bid are exceptional in the excessive costs of the p&p and of the phone call - £7.99-9.99 (per item) and a...
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    wayne the chef

    I LOVE him - he's so much fun to watch. I like how he never really demos the product properlu and then when the auction has actually ended he tries to squeeze in a demo. I saw him burn wedges in a halogen oven :)
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    Thomas Brookes suit

    You're absolutely right. I'm glad other people have picked up on this. The amount of times he gloats about how much he pays for stuff, before flogging a cheap alternative for the poor viewers at home is startling. He comes across as massively arrogant - his constant offering 'advice' for men...
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    A transcript from one of Guy's sells

    Guy's all over the place. He also seems obsessed with saying things are 'posh' - I can remember him once in an auction saying "we don't want any common people buying this! If you're common don't ring". I'm sure he means it as a joke, but it's a pretty odd thing to say. Also - comparing a...
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    Banned from submitting complaints to the ASA

    That's quite a shocking response - basically ASA are saying that your points are valid, but they just cant be bothered to deal with them anymore. They seem to be attributing that the problem is you complaining, when of course the problem is sit-up breaking the rules. If sit-up stopped being...
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    Let's meet the people behind the brands.

    I don't object to the in-house brands (although I'm sure the quality is crap), but I do object to the constant bull and lies they tell about the inhouse brands. I'm sure I've heard the presenters claim to have 'met' Tommy & Kate and Christian Larrs...
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    Absolutely - there's no denying that Mason and Russell can present and carry a 3 hour show (even if I'm not keen on their presenting styles), but Guy just sort of seems lost and bored - counting down until the next presenter can come along and take over.
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    Agree - not a fan either. I haven't seen much of him, but he comes across as grumpy, plays on fears and has the worse phone number tourettes I've ever seen. I'm not sure how people watch him for more than about 5 minutes as it's literally "0904...0904...great product 0904 251 2000, in the...
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    Gamin SatNav

    Bid purposely have the call costs and postage SO high to deter people from returning their purchases- if you've bought a product from them you're going to lose out on £8.50 + your return postage cost in order to get a refund. Sorry you're not entirely satisfied Tony, but at least it sounds...
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    fire extinguisher

    It sounds to me like his producer told him to change track. I've seem some awful scaremongering on the channel (thankfully it seems to have disappeared for the moment) - one of the most uncomfortable things I've seen was the shameless Mike Mason selling some terrible cheap burglar alarm saying...
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    Peter Simon's 'Retractions'

    I'm not watching at the mo, but I've heard him issue several of them over the past few days. So he offered a retraction which was also wrong? Oh dear.
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    Peter Simon's 'Retractions'

    I've now heard Peter have to retract several of his statements on Bid, presumably the producer is now telling him that he's getting it wrong and to correct himself (that and ASA are currently on their heels). He seems to get a bit stressy about having to retract them, but at least he's doing...
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    Amusing lies from Bid presenters

    I genuinely find that whenever a presenter on Bid says the line "I'm going to be honest with you now..." or "I'm going to tell you as it is..." you can almost guarantee that they're about to come out with a massive lie. Those lines are almost always followed by the biggest load of bollocks...
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    Ideal habit now of showing repeats primetime

    Yeah - I'm surprised they bother to still do the live shows considering they seem to only have a few products. I mean what is the point of doing a live show over and over again of the same product, with exactly the same guest, and exactly the same demos?