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    P+P, more prominent on screen.

    I just flicked over (Bid) and noticed that the P&P costs and cost of the phone call are much bigger and in all in uppercase - a great development. I presume they've been forced by a regulator to change them. But a positive development.
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    "your taking us now" from james russell the pinocchio of bid tv

    I'd be genuinely interested to hear what they are, as I haven't seen any in about 3 years... (I'm not trying to criticise your views, I'm just genuinely amazed at reading at post that's not anti-Bid!)
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    Ex Ideal World Employee - Ask away! Anything

    Still enjoying the behind the scenes stuff (I don't know why some people on this thread don't just leave it and go away if they're not enjoying it/getting the answers they want...) I was wondering, with the shows when you demo the paint pads or the spray painter systems - is there a reason...
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    Guy Kean - Appalling Lies

    This is a huge problem Bid suffer from, especially when selling electrical items or technology. They just get it WRONG over and over again. I don't know if it's 'presenter error' but if so they need to have a technology expert in or only give technology to presenters who know what they're...
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    Ex Ideal World Employee - Ask away! Anything

    Interesting thread, thanks for this TimeForTheTruth. I was wondering what sort of viewing figures the channel gets? You cant find the stats in any of the usual places. Also - re presenters pay, I know you wont be able to (nor want) to go into specifics - but do any of the presenters 'get...
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    Andy Hodgson - Sells JeanPpaul DuPont, HONESTLY

    I agree - Andy is a joy to watch compared to the others. He's so much more honest, doesn't lie or make or make outrageous claims and is fun to watch - oh, and he doesn't SHOUT.
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    ASA rulings....

    I'm pretty sure that nearly every auction of Bid could be reported to ASA - some of the complaints on the ASA site I've seen them do many many times. It just emphasises how dreadful Sit-up have become.
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    Peter Simon: Twatter

    He said it was Pneumonia (his most recent hospital trip anyway) I can't decide with Peter whether he's purposely bullshitting and misleading - or just massively unaware of what he's saying. He gets in such a mess with his words and he gets so confused that its sometimes difficult to know...
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    Horrid Baby Dolls

    I'm with you Flying Pigs, I thought they were incredibly creepy. Especially when that Paul guy on Price Drop was stroking and cuddling them. Uber odd.
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    Paul becque v mike mason

    Mike Mason always trips himself up with this argument - he's always paid "£75 for Sky", "£30 on a scarf", "£15 on a window scraper" - you'd think he'd just buy the 'bargains' he's pathetically flogging instead.
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    Your very own 'Bass Reflex sound test sheet'

    Does anyone know if Mike knows good sound or has any experience in electronics? Not sure if he ever mentions it...
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    Forget the Worry Angel, there's a new kid in Town.

    They're increasingly selling products aimed at lonely, elderly and vulnerable people. It's pretty obvious who they're targeting when they sell hearing aids and walking sticks then go onto selling a home security alarm - teamed with stories of how unsafe the country is 'these days'....
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    Why do we watch Bid & Price?

    I've been watching Bid for quite a while now...I never really 'watch', but like most people flick it on if there is nothing else on or during add breaks etc. I use to watch because it was quite fun - 5 or so years ago the presenters were quite talented, yelled less, and it was sometimes quite...
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    Kitchen "chef"

    He's so useless - great fun to watch. The stuff he makes always looks awful (to defend him, he is using their naff-cheap products so it's not all his fault!)
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    FAO Sally Jacks

    I cannot watch her. I can handle about 20 seconds before I HAVE to switch over. She just SHOUTS. Mommabear, it's not just you - her talkback is really audible. It's quite amusing to hear them say something "£9.99" and then she'll go "The price is going lower - I have no idea how low!" In all...
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    Is Mike Mason Delboy Trotter in disguise !!!

    He really is a vile man. His selling tactics are outrageous. I saw him selling some cheap worthless alarm system the other day and he was practically yelling down the camera "Are your children safe?! Burglary and child-kidnapping is on the rise! Are you safe?! Is your house secure right...
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    Any news on Peter Simon?

    In all seriousness, it's been pretty evident for a while that Peter is sadly very unwell - his dramatic weightloss and loss of energy has been quite shocking to see. I know I tease him and Bid a lot - but I do genuinely hope he gets better. Hopefully after a rest he'll be getting back to form...
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    Those Onesie Suits

    The ones that Bid sell look like terrible quality - really cheap and lightweight and flimsy. I wouldn't buy a onsie - but if I was I certainly wouldn't buy one from Bid...
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    Bid Twitter

    I just checked out @PeterSimonSays - hilarious stuff. Absolutely fantastic quotes!
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    Steve Mc Donald Just sold a GT Precision Watch for £39.99.

    Every presenter on Bid or Price Drop 'recently sold' their product for double whatever they're selling it for at that moment... Peter Simon sells everything at half that he did last Saturday. I'd love them to actually have to give the example of when they sold it 'for £60 more last week!"