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  1. Sparkles26

    Tova's Toyboy!

    It really is annoying! I've been accused of being pregnant loads of times because I refuse drink. Lol. I suppose it's better to be talked about than ignored. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sparkles26

    Tova's Toyboy!

    Thank you! He really is amazing. He's completely turned his life around and is a fabulous dad and looks after me well. A very strong spirit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Sparkles26

    Tova's Toyboy!

    Me either. Although my hubby is an ex-heroin addict. He's been clean 12 years and I'm very proud of him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sparkles26


    Since breast feeding I can wear mine as a scarf ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sparkles26


    I was beginning to think I was a heartless cow thinking this but yea, I completely agree! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Sparkles26

    Tova's Toyboy!

    Lol! Yes! Like they genuinely can't comprehend how you can exist without alcohol! I think that says more about them than us though ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sparkles26

    Tova's Toyboy!

    I must be an exception these days then as I don't touch alcohol at all and have never been to a nightclub. As a teenager I didn't "put myself about" and while some may find me boring or whatever, I prefer to call it having a bit of self respect, (I'll jump down from my high horse now lol :) )...
  8. Sparkles26

    After me everybody - MICEAL - how hard can it be!

    I always though my full maiden name was quite simple but whenever somebody asked for it there always followed 3 question... How do you spell Jacqueline? Is that Anne with an 'e'? Is it Dunn with or without an 'e'? :headbang: My poor grandad God rest his soul, was always known on his clubcard...
  9. Sparkles26

    OMG....What is Jilly wearing??????

    Oh my word! Not Jilly's best look! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sparkles26

    Totty Alert!

    You can have him Burlz. Not impressed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    My mirtazipine has increased my appetite something rotten! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    I've never tried soya. Is it ok tasting? I always imagine it to be gritty with a funny after taste. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    Dairy is a NoNo for me too as it upsets my tummy. Gutted as I am a cheese fiend! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    It was just the normal silver label stuff so yes I think it's got caffeine in it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    I'm sure the odd one is fine, but it was all I drank! Lol. The two best things I've done this year are stopping drinking the diet coke and giving up smoking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    Mine do the "gym prescription" thing and have given me one twice. What they don't realise is my anxiety and social phobia prevent me from leaving the house ( apart from a stay in the hospital I haven't been out in 6 weeks) so while I would love to join these groups and go to the gym at the...
  17. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    May I recommend 'MyFitnessPal' as a calorie counting/weight tracking app. There's some very supportive people on there too. I'm hoping to shed some of my size 28 after crimbo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    Really? Gosh! I have noticed (sorry for TMI) that my IBS has improved. I have since learned that aspartame is a laxative! I wonder if it could have contributed to my heartburn that I have been put on lanzoprazole for. I didnt think it was that bad when I was drinking it but since stopping I just...
  19. Sparkles26

    Is Diet Chef worth the money

    Yes it's funny how little tiny things can make you feel better. I am a coke addict. (Diet coke that is lol) and drank nothing else, but since being in hospital for 3 days last weekend I have drank nothing but bottled water ( I think tap water has a funny taste ) and I feel a lot less sluggish...
  20. Sparkles26

    If a fellow QVC addict came round at Christmas.....

    Oh you have a kitchenaid?? Totally not envious....honest! :D Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk