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  1. argeybargey

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    and don't forget yer fly hat Megsie dear. xxxxxxxxx
  2. argeybargey

    Ellis Ward joins TJC

    I'll always associate her with cheeky undies and toys after she did those cringeworthy "Ann Summers" stylee products on IW. <a...
  3. argeybargey

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""...
  4. argeybargey

    This should warm the cockles of your heart

    If greys are thugs, then I don't know where that leaves us oomans in the scale of 'orribleness. I'll bet old fluffybum wouldn't be able to resist playing with a baby bird given half the chance. I'm with you though on the red Min, I was pleased to see that as well given their poor numbers...
  5. argeybargey

    This should warm the cockles of your heart

    That is so gorgeous, thanks Mam. I reckon those caps look much better on Minsk than daddy. xxxxxxxxxx
  6. argeybargey

    Gems tv Germany

    Looks like it was due to start today. I suppose they could be having "technical difficulties", although I would be surprised as this is most unusual. :wink: xxxxxxx
  7. argeybargey

    No more "chat"?

    While I'll admit that I've never bought from Rocks & Co I do like to watch John from time to time when I need cheering up. Service is now so appalling at Gems (too busy taking over the world to worry about its British customers any more), that I have hmm'd and arr'd a bit over a couple of...
  8. argeybargey


    That's exactly how it struck me Loobi. xxxxxxxxxx
  9. argeybargey

    New toy!

    They do say that laying down flat on your back is healthy. :giggle: xxxxxxxx
  10. argeybargey

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Megsie dear, you ain't the only one don't like bein' 'sturbed. xxxxxxxxx <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. argeybargey

    New toy!

    Corr! That takes me back. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""...
  12. argeybargey

    Another Sit-up channels presenter coming our way :0(

    Can't stand him. Very calm but full of the proverbial. I've been watching about 15 minutes and he's referred to "telephone exceutives" (I'll bet they don't get executive pay) which drove me mad before, and he's managed to negotiate a particularly low price for us £9.99 on the under £10 day -...
  13. argeybargey

    Another Sit-up channels presenter coming our way :0(

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""...
  14. argeybargey

    Taj Mahal Collection

    Oh well done Miss M - nice to see you. xxxxxxxxxx
  15. argeybargey

    What a bunch of meanies!

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""...
  16. argeybargey

    What a bunch of meanies!

    Goodoh! Gemma's missing wardrobe has turned up. She seems to be wearing clothes lately. xxxxxxxxx
  17. argeybargey

    Another Sit-up channels presenter coming our way :0(

    It's been done before and they get away with it. I've seen a couple of presenters do this but end up back where they were slagging off. I'm afraid they're nearly all "tarts" who would sell their grannies into slavery. xxxxxxx
  18. argeybargey

    Need cheering up?

    I did, until someone kindly posted this on Jewellery Maker's FB page. xxxxxxxxx <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="382" data=""> <param name="bgcolor" value="#F4F4F4" /> <param name="movie"...
  19. argeybargey

    Another Sit-up channels presenter coming our way :0(

    For those that didn't get an e-mail yet another of sit-ups people coming our way. What little I've seen he didn't seem to have any qualms about telling massive porkies. Oh dear. xxxxxxx
  20. argeybargey

    Buy in bulk, sell in bulk

    Not to mention the harm to people's health from ingesting food from chemically made containers. The scientists are only just beginning to speak out about this. xxxxxxxxx