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  1. Sammi

    Why I cant give Gems the elbow

    um.....ebay??!! lol
  2. Sammi

    CLAWS Charity Calendar

    my thanks to everyone who has contacted me about the calendar. I must get round to ordering one myself!!
  3. Sammi

    CLAWS Charity Calendar

    Graham has kindly let me put this thread up on the forum, for which huge thanks! Can't thank you enough you big-hearted man! Many of you know that I write a newsletter and do some fund-raising for my favourite local animal charity: Cat Lovers Animal Welfare Society (CLAWS) -
  4. Sammi

    Diamonique 'S' Pendant Wanted!!!!!

    oh go on Sue you know you like a bit of mystery!! good luck with your hunt :hi:
  5. Sammi

    Presenters Redundant following Live Channel Closure

    I rather suspect that the presenters will have had to sign a non-disclosure clause as part of their redundancy package. What they say in their private lives is one thing, but to actively put out a statement in a public forum is probably professional suicide.
  6. Sammi

    Shades of Tsavorite delivery

    keep them all - they all look lovely!!
  7. Sammi

    Presenters Redundant following Live Channel Closure

    am saddened to hear it was redundancy that chased these two excellent presenters away. I wish them all the luck in their future endeavours.
  8. Sammi

    A big thank you!

    well done on your 344 days in rehab Jantac!
  9. Sammi

    Rod Jinks

    awww don't be cruel folks.
  10. Sammi

    Rod Jinks

    aww that's a shame. he and lynn were brilliant together, just the right kind of "off the wall". am doubly annoyed now to have missed seeing them last weekend.
  11. Sammi

    Must made my first purchase....

    zircons should sparkle even in low light, so fingers crossed they're good ones. as you say, the slippery slope now...
  12. Sammi

    My Mojo's Back!

    nice tanzy pendant there. liking the art deco look. i'd say it was an enhancer clip for putting over larger chains but it's hard to judge.
  13. Sammi

    Look whats back .......

    what a purrfect way to spoil a purrfectly good pearl...
  14. Sammi

    Apatite Bracelet - opinions please!

    when will TJC learn to spell apatite properly? it's a disgrace! love the bracelet. i'd say go for it but be careful with it.
  15. Sammi

    Question for Alexandrite owners

    oooh I like that pendant! just my cuppa tea :D generally, the darker the green, the better the colourchange. Ditto the clearer the stone. that pendant looks like it will show some nice colours. funnily enuf today am wearing my alex bracelet and pendant for a change lol
  16. Sammi

    Demantiod Garnet pics

    what a superb ring GC i'll bet you're really pleased with it! mine isnt a patch on yours - am dead jealous lol
  17. Sammi

    Happy Birthday Katherine Stass!

    am really pleased to see this thread! many happy returns Katiemay. hope you've had a good week off work and have had a lovely day too xxxxx
  18. Sammi

    Green diamond

    get them! you won't often find green diamond earrings - they're like hen's teeth!
  19. Sammi

    Thought you might like to see some pics

    nice pieces VG. think the champagne quartz is my fave one. am fascinated by the endless reflections in the top ring which you are sending back!
  20. Sammi

    Happy 1st Birthday Rocks TV

    yep it was a chuckleworthy few minutes flossie. hope everyone is recovering from the journeys and the Grand Day Out! When i was on Twitter last night, I noticed that Lynn Jinks had updated her status saying how nice the day was. Was sad not to have been able to meet her and Rod.