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  1. icr24350

    Just taken the plunge!!

    Welcome to the group, a place where no shopping channel is safe, although we do praise them up from time to time - gotta keep them on their toes ! Also where we can share experiences of various items. That can be very handy at times. And we also have a laugh with each other too :1:
  2. icr24350

    Why is it?

    Think we have all bought things from the shopping channels (and shops and markets) that we use once then put away in the cupboard - my weakness is kitchen gadgets :32:!
  3. icr24350

    Mike Hancox says Improving Service to Customers is key

    Couldn't agree more. To me, it is a sad and tired looking channel that could well be past saving. Every day and show looks and sounds the same nowadays.
  4. icr24350

    JR - What A Mess

    Just caught JR introducing a TSV - what a mess. Someone should tell her that she is no longer a teenager. She is capable of being a really lovely looking girl - she now looks a right mess at the moment.
  5. icr24350

    Ideal World celebrates its 9th Birthday

    With the same boring presenters ! IW needs a good shake up from top to bottom. Shame as it used to be so good.
  6. icr24350

    Richard 'phoney' Jackson

    I almost choked there, lol :D. Best thing for a garden ? Try quick drying cement - I hate gardening !
  7. icr24350


    I have been known to wear Farah clothing, but I would not buy them from IW. I can buy them locally without p & p !
  8. icr24350

    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Sorry Susie, if I and others upset you, but that is what this site is all about ! Members are free to excercise their right to comment on the Shopping Channels and what they are selling. The fact that the bag sold out shows that I have no taste - thank goodness, lol ! And with that bag selling...
  9. icr24350

    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Sorry if I offend, but I now have doubts about a recession with this TSV selling out. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I would have wanted leather at that price. My wife has thrown better quality bags out.
  10. icr24350

    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    My eyes almost jumped out of their sockets when I saw the price. All that money for a piece of plastic ? Specially designed for QVC ? Crikey, they must hate their viewers. And it got worse - there was a bag at £245 ! If I bought my wife one of those bags, she'd have me sectioned under the Mental...
  11. icr24350

    If you could choose anyone famous to be a presenter......

    I really think either Tova or Joan Rivers would just LOVE to present Kirk's Folly :32: ! Can you imagine it ?
  12. icr24350

    If you could choose anyone famous to be a presenter......

    Ann Widdicombe selling beauty products, lol. I saw her on a chat show once, she was hilarious !
  13. icr24350

    This doesn't sound too good...

    It would almost be worth IW going bust to see the back of S W. She just has to be the most annoying presenter on any shopping channel in my opinion.
  14. icr24350

    Another boring day on IW

    Nothing new about the garbage on offer. I think IW is showing its' age, and badly needs to come up with some new and exciting products, otherwise it will go down the tube completely. Which would be a crying shame, as then we'd have one less channel to moan about. I really feel sorry for most of...
  15. icr24350

    Ideal shares head for the floor

    Problem is that they are flogging the same tired old tat, day after day. Fleaflots, Craft etc with the same tired old presenters. IW needs a complete revamp from top to bottom, otherwise it will become another shopping channel that went bust. Fryatt has a lot to answer for, letting it get into...
  16. icr24350

    Say something nice about IW

    Dennice Robinson - I think she comes over as a lovely person !
  17. icr24350

    Hairy Mother's Day!

    Just what the mother in law needs, :1: hehehe !:1: !
  18. icr24350

    The V-Slicer Innovation.......

    Ooh nasty :32: I wouldn't give one to my worst enemy !
  19. icr24350

    I hate movies

    Anyone remember being an ABC Minor ? 6d for admission on a Saturday morning. I might be showing my age here :32:
  20. icr24350

    I am so fed up with QVC

    I'd have informed my localTrading Standards over that, as it is just not on. QVC need to be reported over that, then perhaps they might be forced do something. Local Citizens Advice might be a good strarting point.