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  1. Lynda


    My last four buys.... These Amethyst/pearl/marcasite earrings (066438) are one of Sian Christmas prezzies - if I can bear to part with them I have long wanted a large Andalusite solitaire and this (218465) is perfect Rubellite (019596) in a really deep tone and decent size was another on...
  2. Lynda

    Beautiful sphene

    I really like that Miss M, but I already have a W/G one from Gemstv and wanted a Y/G so I've got 227 138 sitting in my basket ready to check out tomorrow. Now if only I could see my ruby ring in Y/G I'd be in R&C heaven...
  3. Lynda

    Some pics

    Well I have been glued to R&C site trying to nab my ruby ring and came to the conclusion that if it's on the web, it won't be aired that day and the CS lady I asked confirmed this although I have to say I've been told different things such as I will get an email on dispatch and 'oh no you won't'...
  4. Lynda

    Beautiful sphene

    Oh Miss M I've seen a y/g one surrounded with diamonds I simply must have if it ever comes up for auction again (227 138), I had it in my basket a while ago for £87 but didn't realise they timed it to the second and lost it :sad: It's been on the web for £40 more but I can't bring myself to pay...
  5. Lynda

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Thanks PB, note to self - do keep up dear! :rolleyes: I'm very intrigued as to who it might be though. :hide:
  6. Lynda

    Some pics

    Lucky Mrs W and all the recipients of your planned gifts Wickerman, some lovely pics there and only the tip of the iceberg it would seem :gasp: I'm no expert when taking pics, but usually do mine in strong artificial light with no flash or bright natural light next to a huge window, again no...
  7. Lynda

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Wasn't there a very helpful chap called Tony too? :confused: :scarper:
  8. Lynda

    Important Message From Rocks & CO.

    Welcome COO, you'll have to drop bigger hints as to who you were in a previous life as I'm in thick mode today :rolleyes: :blush: I think it's great of you to post and let us all know what's happening and what's not, the personal touch is much appreciated! I have received 3 pieces of jewellery...
  9. Lynda


    Can you do a 'system restore' on your computer so it goes back to how it was before the upgrade? It may sound like I know what I'm talking about, but that is the sum total of my computer 'expertise' On mine I go to the start menu, choose control panel and then system to restore the puter to a...
  10. Lynda

    Matrix long last!!!

    Sweetpea, your description of this gem is exactly as I imagined it to be and I know it's not one for me. I like lots of sparkle and faceting for the most part - with the exception of Ammolite which has lots of colourplay - and I hope you find the very thing you are looking for with your next...
  11. Lynda

    Blue fire opal?

    I have a foot in both camps. I love simple classic designs which this channel do, but also love the fact that if they are embellished, they HAVE to be embellished in lots of diamonds that can be seen with the naked eye, which I have also found here, so all in all Rocks&co work for me - which is...
  12. Lynda

    Pleasantly surprised

    Ooooooo pretty pendant Miss M, would love to see a pic when it arrives. I totally agree about the web prices and it's been mentioned on Melusina's thread about her gorgeous diamond, by some of us who are cross about the difference. I just wish I could order the bits I'm waiting to see live on...
  13. Lynda

    Green diamond as promised, plus a pink sapphire.

    It's hard to compare web and auction prices as they change what's visible daily and also rarely have the pieces on the web at the same time as they are auctioning them so you have to have a good memory or in my case, an order in progress from a couple of days ago when it may appear on the web...
  14. Lynda

    White Gold no longer as white

    Brilliant result, shame you had to put up such a fight to get it done but all's well that ends well. Got any before and after pics?
  15. Lynda

    Green diamond as promised, plus a pink sapphire.

    Oh Melusina they are beautiful!!!!!!! I've seen their coloured diamonds and that gorgeous pendant on air and was sorely tempted :whistle: I love loads of the jewellery on this channel, especially as they are not so stingy with their diamond accents in a lot of cases and have classic designs. I...
  16. Lynda

    Lost My TJC Cherry!

    Result! I did try and cancel this purchase first thing on the Monday (3rd) morning as it still wasn't showing as dispatched, only invoiced, but had a very mono-toned operator with the 'computer says nooooooooooo' attitude. I scanned the forum and found Percy's email addy and asked him if there...
  17. Lynda

    Hilarious John Scott

    I've only bought one ring - it won't be my last I'm sure - and it is IMVHO of course ;) absolutely beeoootiful! There's a pic here Some forum members were kind enough to say it's nice too. Highly recommended from me :happydance:
  18. Lynda

    How NOT to sell!!

    Not seen her - I've already got scorch marks on my legs from watching as much as I can on the laptop :rolleyes: - but I wish all jewellery presenters had been just as half-hearted as she seems to be, I'd have saved a fortune over the past few years!!!!!! :scarper: :lol:
  19. Lynda

    Disarmed email

    My Hotmail has upgraded to a new look and I too got a disarmed email. As it was just a reminder I had something in my basket, I reckon it's just Hotmail being over cautious as it had links to the Gemstv website so I'm not about to panic. :rolleyes:
  20. Lynda


    That's a beautiful Zultanite Sue and they haven't skimped on the diamonds either! Delighted for you sweetheart and what a price difference. :happydance: