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  1. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter's on with the coffee machine..... 'from the Pharaohs to the Kings and Queens' he begins. A quick google confirms that coffee was not drunk until over a thousand years after the demise of the last Pharaoh. He used to say that Krups who make the machine are a 'byword for German engineering'...
  2. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Also they buy everything for their mums..... 'now I bought this for my mum' is one of the most frequent lies they tell. Also ' I bought something similar but I paid a lot more , and it didn't have the ( name feature )' is another favourite. My current number one is presenter Alex who claims that...
  3. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon , Sally Jacks , Mike Mason , Mark Ryce. Also the CBD Oil man Chris and Mark the occasional BBQ man were on Bid. A real roll of honour.
  4. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Resident genius Reg Varney was on with the Will Writing man , who was talking about Lasting Power Of Attorney. Reg blurted out that he had phoned the phone company on his dad's behalf , and they said they needed to speak to the account holder. ( It was all made up of course ) He reckoned that if...
  5. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    She made up an excruciating story , which she hadn't thought through -some nonsense about her son getting in the car and feeling cold ,then her wrapping him the heated jacket and it warming him up. I would be surprised if it would deliver heat in that configuration - in any event it was just BS.
  6. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon is on claiming he has been using Elizabeth Grant for seventeen years. The only thing he appears to have been using for seventeen years is botox. 'I don't give my age away , but I was born not long after the second world war' he tells us. According to Wikipedia he was born at the end...
  7. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    It was like Bid Tv on IW last night- surplus stock of faded 'celebrity' brand fragrance. Meltdown Mike was struggling to put a pitch together '....... don't think that the Ariane Grande is for teenage girls , it's highly sophisticated !' It'll be the porcelain statuettes and worry angels next.
  8. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Crawley is on selling footwear - 'they dissipate the heat when your feet are too hot , and lock the heat in when your feet are cold' he claims. Really Shaun? How do they do that - do they have a thermostat? The manufacturers website makes no such claim. Are you just making it up as you go along ?
  9. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The most objectionable part of that 'review' was that it referenced British manufacture. Mason read it out in it's entirety.. They clearly imagine that if they are quoting someone else's words they are not culpable in passing a Chinese watch off as British - 'it's not me saying it guvnor -it's...
  10. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Just looking at the 'customer testimonials' VT for My Pillow. Not only are all the 'customers' actors reading from a script , but they all have dubbed on voices from other actors known as voice artists, Most tv ads do the same thing - when you see a model saying 'Because I'm worth it ' or...
  11. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter has also alluded to a relationship with the late comedian Dave Allen. He used to say that all the details of his rumbustious showbiz career would be revealed in his 'book'. There is no book of course. He has alluded to a friendship with the late comedian Dave Allen , and also promised...
  12. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    The dream team is on - Mulberry Ray , and Peter Simon. If ever there was a case for mandatory retirement these two make it, They are selling a mattress , what else ? All the phrases they use for other mattresses ,motion transfer , breathable , pressure points and so on are mindlessly applied to...
  13. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Denise is always dropping bait about her age , hoping for 'No you can't be !'
  14. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    If everything is selling out, flying out the door , won't last the show , vulnerable , over allocated..... then why are they using valuable air time to promote stock that is selling itself? If this flying out the door nonsense was true , they would use the air time to present stuff that needed...
  15. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Here's a handy list of defunct British companies; Just email the name to your friendly Chinese OEM , and you are in business. Shaun's ready too ......' the history and the heritage you are buying into here is quite...
  16. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Kevin fumbled with an iPhone to show a watch he said was being stress tested at Zurich airport. Within seconds idiot Peter Simon had changed Zurich to Munich , which he ran with for the rest of the show. At the end of the presentation Kevin fumbled with the iPhone again and restarted the video...
  17. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    IW are great at offering investment advice - products touted as 'investments' include the Justice League watch set , and a Matthey Tissot watch , now long forgotten. Another great expert was Mark Stewart , now your friendly BBQ chef -when he was on Bid he was selling a set of ancient country...
  18. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Jim Clawley and Shaun Byetheway have got a real bromance going on - not only do they look the same with their horrible mousy hair and close cropped beards , but they dress the same too, and mirror each others movements. I'm not being funny but ( geddit ?) , it's a bit creepy. The latest Shaun...
  19. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    Reg Varney is flogging My Pillow -'let's hear some testimonials from customers' he says. Cut to VT of four actors mouthing scripted praise, moreover all four of them are lip syncing to speech audio provided by voice over artists. Here is the Wiki entry on Mike Lindell CEO of My Pillow...
  20. A

    Random musings and general banter.

    No , you need four generations of the Field family for that.