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  1. susie59

    AY eeeeek ring

  2. susie59


    Well that's the tea I planned gone out the window - was going to do sausages but just the thought of them conjures up some rather unpleasant images. Couldn't possibly eat one now - thanks cg!!:sad:
  3. susie59

    woo... check out the new hottie!!

    Ooh no, not for me thanks. Not keen on that at all. No offence cavegirl - I'm sure yours is much nicer and, besides, being a scouser puts him in a different class entirely! :cool:
  4. susie59

    Charlotte Church

    Reading this thread has brought another song to mind - That good old Barry Manilow offering 'Read 'em and wee'
  5. susie59

    Charlotte Church

    Oh dear - every so often a thread comes along that has me laughing so hard I can't breathe and has my family wondering if now wouldn't be a good time to have me put down. This is the funniest one I have read for a long time - long may you all continue!!:mysmilie_507:
  6. susie59

    Oooooooo sparkly!

    That is some SERIOUS sparkle! Really beautiful.
  7. susie59

    If it's christmas...

    I bought a couple of helicopters a few years ago for my two boys but we never got to fly them. They were outdoors ones and only worked if there was NO air movement at all - the slightest breeze or any adverse weather and they were useless!! Plus, after a couple of failed launch attempts they ran...
  8. susie59

    suggestions for new QVC products

    I have one too and love it sooooo much - the only thing that cheered me up about the weather getting colder was the fact that I could snuggle up in mine again!! Oh dear, does that sound as sad as I think it does?
  9. susie59

    Help! Kim & Co....

    I have bought stuff from her website several times (sorry, I really like Kim & Co!) and have never had to pay anything extra.
  10. susie59

    QVC Calender

    For heaven's sake - don't go giving them any more ideas, I'm already at fever pitch!
  11. susie59

    Suggestions please!

    Oh I'm glad I found this thread. I was convinced I was the only mum in the world who wasn't fully made up for the school run - at least that's what my telly told me. If I had matching shoes it was a miracle! I was really starting to think I had blighted my poor children's existence.
  12. susie59

    Forget the One Dress - now we've got...

    Call me picky but I like my cardies to have 2 sleeves!
  13. susie59

    Dare I ask....Greased Lightning??

    Have to agree with all above comments - Showroom Shine really does make the car look good. Use the glass cleaner for my glass topped table too - never been so clean!!:sun:
  14. susie59

    For Our Daz

    Hi Daz Sorry to hear you have not been well. Hope you are soon up and about again - those loose gems are calling!! Lotsa Love SusieM xxx