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    I'm with you all on this one. Times are hard and prices are going up everywhere. I'm going to be tightening my purse strings too. I can do without the KARIS range and the multi-level P&P. Sorry TJC.
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    Karis collection

    I agree with this sentiment. If TJC can sell base metal rings for the same price as a silver ones - and their customers are happy to buy at that price - it's a no brainer! But I'm a purist; I like to buy costume jewellery with fake gems not real ones!
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    Karis collection

    I saw this collection. I was very surprised at seeing 'diamond? I don't think so' on TJC. Quite frankly, some of the prices for these bonded base metal pieces were practically the same as the SS/Platinum overlay(!) The designs weren't a great departure from the usual TJC fare so I wasn't...
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    Welo opal

    What a canny thing to do (buying two pairs). Thanks for the tip-off MissMagpie. :happy:
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    Welo opal

    Yes MissMagpie, I watched the show. I am lucky enough to have some Welo opal as a centrepiece in a bracelet. And how mesmerising it is! Strong neon flashes of red and green - simply stunning. I thought the Rocks & Co pieces looked fabulous - especially the pendants - the prices were good too...
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    Price Changes - Sale Prices

    Anyone else noticed the price hikes over the past month? I first noticed that the prices of a lot of the items had been put up a couple of weeks before Christmas - that may not be surprising as a lot of companies do it - it's a business afterall. However, the prices appear to have gone up...
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    Tanzanite - Rare?

    Great post Happygolucky. Don't believe the hype. It's ALL about the marketing. :cash::cash::cash:
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    Rising Auction - Bid Price?

    Seems to be ok now Concordia. Good to see that improvements have been made following the comments on here. Personally speaking, I'm not inspired by the motley collection of items on offer - but for £1... I may have a punt ;)
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    Rising Auction - Bid Price?

    Seems like TJC has taken note of some of the comments on here. When you now bid on a rising auction an item pop up box informs you of whether or not you have met the reserve price.
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    Rising Auction - Bid Price?

    I agree with all the comments here. They may as well sell at a fixed price... but then that would defeat the object of a rising auction which is to make as much money as possible on a single item. Which ever way you look at it, it's a win-win outcome for TJC. :cash::cash::cash:
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    Rising Auction - Bid Price?

    I too have been the highest bidder. However, tucked away in the TJC terms and conditions of Rising Auctions is this sentence: "A reserve price is set on each of the items and if that reserve price is not met by the highest bid, the stock item will not be sold."
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    Victoria Showers??

    Hmmm, this is a loaded question... think I'll pass on answering it. :mysmilie_514:
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    Victoria Showers??

    Obviously TJC feel she should be on tv. Absolutely, people should be given a chance. If every viewer felt the way you do, a lot of people would be out of a job within days of starting! She's been in the job less than two weeks. Most people get 3 month's probation. And, of course you are...
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    Victoria Showers??

    Give the girl a chance... she's new to all of this jewellery malarkey :sweat:
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    Are they reliable?

    Hi concordia, these days I only buy from TJC. I have had mixed fortunes with my purchases. But all in all I have found the quality to be very good for the price. And yes, I have noticed that the prices are sometimes inconsistent. I've spotted the same item selling for different prices across...
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    Chloe's Claims

    Ah PPC, there is always an element of humour to your posts... :cheeky: Well, I was watching when she was presenting on her own. Pity you missed it. I don't believe she was looking for sympathy - just telling it like it is. ...
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    Chloe's Claims

    Well I am glad that someone else saw Saturday's show. It certainly put things into context. Good on you Sapphireblue for writing a letter of support! :clapping:
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    Chloe's Claims

    This goes without saying.
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    Chloe's Claims

    My post was referring to fairness to the presenter. There was an explanation in the show aired at the weekend.
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    Chloe's Claims

    In fairness to the presenter, an explanation was given at the weekend. If any of you were watching on Saturday you may understand why Anettka may have felt compelled to post his/her opinion on here.