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  1. M

    Momentous occasion...for me

    Well done, it's very hard! I eased off with my QVC spending, not so much on the basis of how much stuff I had in my stash, but, once, out of curiosity, I added up how much I had spent on their P&P and returns P&P. I was genuinely horrified at what was a complete waste of money, all that layout...
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    Wrong item received but it's better than what I ordered

    As you didn't actually ask them to send what you got, they can be considered unsolicited goods and the law states that you can keep them. It's part of The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.
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    Charlie Brook

    My brother is the same and for the same reason. Like you, I'm very proud of him for the effort it takes. And well done to your brother also. People do get funny about drinking though. I don't drink much, although I'm not t-total but I get fed up hearing comments like "get a real drink down you"...
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    Beauty Outlet

    Where on Earth are QVC digging up this stuff for the beauty outlet show? Some of it hasn't been aired in yonks - take into account the shipping time to QVC from the factory, and how long it must have been languishing on their warehouse shelves, this stuff must be close to or past its best. I...
  5. M

    £25 for a laundry basket, £12 for some tile cleaner

    I'm guessing it's a big seller for them as there is almost as much of it now as beauty!
  6. M

    Skin sense

    I was looking in on this last night and we all know what a vivid imagination JF has in respect of what she uses (!) but I couldn't believe her on this show. There is a show that has been on a couple of times, Zelens I think it is, and they sell an eye cream for about £70. At the time JF said...
  7. M

    Catherine Huntley - has she been targeted via online abuse?

    I'm pretty sure she isn't the only one drawing ire from viewers with being self obsessed. I just wish they would stick to talking about what they're selling and keep their private lives just that. I don't expect to hear it from till operators at the supermarket and I don't want to hear it from...
  8. M

    Fashion by Together Dusky Denim Lace Print Top

    I know it's a long shot, but I'm just wondering if anyone here has this? It's item number 158151. The reviews aren't so good and I'm wondering why as I rather like the look of it! Thanks :)
  9. M

    super super super super super...................

    Jim Bowen beat them all to it with his Super, Smashing, Great back in the 80s! I've started to notice another one of these silly expressions too, although not yet on QVC - things aren't trendy or on trend anymore, they're now "trend right"! *facepalm*
  10. M

    Where has Anne Dawson gone ?

    I like Anne and wish her well. Missing her on screen and hope she comes back soon! To my mind, she's one of the funniest presenters they've got, she doesn't have airs and graces or a massive ego to get past. No, she's not perfect, but she's better than most of the rest. I've missed out on...
  11. M

    Jill Franks and the record player

    She was the same recently when she was on with Katie P on the beauty clearance. What a joke of show that was! JF kept trying to get in with her claptrap, vying for the top spot but Katie really held her own and wouldn't let her in. Clearly JF is just in love with the spotlight. It was fun to...
  12. M

    You have to laugh, or you'd cry

    Yup, I did laugh! I don't understand why QVC "people" think they're so famous that we'd want to be seen with them or claim to know them. Not a chance! And all that codswallop about being a big family, then they send you The Letter. Nice.
  13. M

    Do you think they`re struggling ?

    I think they're trying to justify their P&P by spending it all on packaging! This morning the postman dropped off a HUUUUGE blue QVC bag. Inside that was a box that was about the size of couple of house bricks stood next to each other. This box contained scrunched up paper that must have been...
  14. M


    I think it was JF who started off using the "gifting" expression? It does annoy me when you're weighing up if you can afford to buy one yourself and there they are, on screen, advising us to buy two or three for the gifting drawer. I guess they forget that they can spend money like water at our...
  15. M

    Do you think they`re struggling ?

    I want to know how QVC get away with charging P&P on Direct Dispatch items when the product supplier doesn't charge P&P when you order direct. I bought some Peony flaaars last year for a relative and was charged £4.95 for the privilege, and the order was direct dispatch. I would have bought...
  16. M

    Do you think they`re struggling ?

    For me, the irritant is not just the high P&P but the high P&P charged on every single item. If you want to order a two or three items to make a complete fashion set, for example, you'll be looking at paying around £12 P&P which is utterly ridiculous, or charged twice because you want two...
  17. M

    Honey Anybody?

    I'm not surprised about the prices of honey, but be careful about Manuka. They bash on about the health benefits but they never mention that you need to be careful with these if you have medical problems. I used Manuka for a while after it was recommended and I became really ill. It turned out...
  18. M

    £10 off £100 on selected beauty on QVC

    If they were to cut down on the number of useless presenters, who earn enough to take exotic holidays seemingly every other week, they'd have more operating capital to deliver some real value to customers. They need to put some effort into getting better value products all round. One example...
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    High price fashion

    What really galls me is the fact that they charge high-end boutique prices for the product, plus next-day delivery level P&P and what you get is a weeks' wait for a piece of rag to show up in a plastic bag. It really doesn't match their self-grown image of being the number 1 shopping channel...
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    Oh my word - they are biscuits

    They sound delish! I'll be raiding the supermarket tomorrow for ingredients :D Thanks :D