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  1. Meeshoo

    Marcasite settings?

    I would echo Miss Magpie and Milly. The best (and usually most expensive) pieces, will have claw set Marcasite but in all honesty, even antique pieces have glued stones in them. The problem is that you'll never know how long the glue will hold. I believe there's a 6 month (or maybe 12 month)...
  2. Meeshoo

    Orange and yellow saphire rings from TJC

    Can you take any photos of the ring? That would help. Where are the holes in the ring?
  3. Meeshoo

    Gems tv white diamonds...

    White diamonds are NOT coated. The coating is to apply a colour i.e. pink, blue etc. I'm not a fan of GemsTV white diamonds as they are (unfortunately) not good quality. However, in all fairness their price will usually reflect the quality. If you like the rings and the price you paid then...
  4. Meeshoo

    Orange and yellow saphire rings from TJC

    As far as I'm aware, Sapphires are not coated. There could be a number of answers here but without photos (and even with them) it's just a stab in the dark to know what's happened. They could, for example, have some gunk left on them from the setting process, they could have an oily sheen or a...
  5. Meeshoo

    Iliana tanzanite clarity

    Coloured gemstones are not graded like diamonds (i.e. you can't equate an SI diamond to an SI coloured gemstone). Tanzanite is a Type I gemstone and so:- Type 1: Stones that are often virtually inclusion free. They are so abundant in this quality that even minor inclusions detract from their...
  6. Meeshoo

    Latest Victoria claim

    I really thought that Steve had said he was going to stop this type of gross over-exaggeration? Museum quality for under £30? Give me a break!
  7. Meeshoo

    How Rude!!!

    Really unprofessional. I've got to say that TJC are rapidly falling in my estimation. They are following the GemsTV school of producing where YOU HAVE TO YELL BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO SELL. Wrong! As for that new presenter? She's dire. I just don't understand why the people in charge...
  8. Meeshoo

    ...But Where's The Love?

    I understand your concerns but honestly, I'd be more annoyed if the diamond ring was of poor quality. You can pick up a box from anywhere but getting a great looking ring can be a lottery. I'd second what others have said and that's to contact TJC and ask them for a nicer box. I'm sure...
  9. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    I looked at a couple of my PTs under intense magnification last night and wanted to show you some photos. There's nothing alarming if you see inclusions like these.
  10. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    I don't know if this helps but this is what a laser drill hole will look like. If you get a loupe and examine your stone from the side and move it around slowly, you should be able to see it. Typically they will be very straight lines,,
  11. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Sapphireblue - you need to send your stones to a reputable lab NOT a jeweller or valuer. There are a couple of routes I'd suggest. The first is to contact The Birmingham Assay Office. They have labs in the UK but there are some things they can't test for. However, looking for laser drilling...
  12. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Honestly, I don't know. I've had all my major purchases looked at and have the ability to identify laser drilling and am pretty confident that most of mine haven't. However, I may have to get them out again and have a look. Treatments are getting more and more aggressive and as fast as one...
  13. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Ok - I have a few answers! As I suspected, using a laser on a tourmaline isn't common. There's hardly any information available on it. Irradiation, heating and to an extent fissure fillling yes but not laser drilling. However, if this stone really has evidence of laser drilling it could be...
  14. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    I don't know Sapphireblue because I haven't seen your collection! :giggle: If you bought it recently, the answer would be that it probably isn't unless you had a number of zeros on the selling price. If you bought it 5 years ago or more then maybe. All I will say is that I THOUGHT I had a...
  15. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Ok ............ here we go (hope this helps). Paraiba is an extremely rare type of Elbaite Tourmaline. To be classified as a Paraiba, a stone has to be (a) copper bearing - and this type of tourmaline is called Cuprian. There are many Cuprian tourmalines but only a small portion are Paraibas...
  16. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Interestingly, there's silence on the subject from some of the experts I know. I'm going to keep digging and will update when I find out.
  17. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    Woah! That's an old piece as well. It was sold by GemsTV (USA) according to the authenticity card. I know that Tourmalines are irradiated and there's also evidence of having fissures filled (to enhance clarity) but I haven't heard of laser drilling and can't see why or how that would help...
  18. Meeshoo

    Paraiba Tourmaline ... Laser drilled?

    OMG that's awful. However, I don't understand why a Tourmaline would be laser drilled. Lasers typically get rid of carbon in diamonds. Filling of tourmalines perhaps but laser drilling? That's odd. Do you have the link please?
  19. Meeshoo

    I don't believe it!!

    OMG - I'm so glad I don't watch any more. That's hideous (apologies if anybody loves it). I thought it was called The Jewellery Channel not The "Tat" Channel. By the way, I tuned in yesterday for 5 minutes and turned over almost imemdiately. There was a female screeching banchee who was...