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    No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread

    That was funny :clapping: hehehe YOU DON'T LURVE HIM AS MUCH AS ME THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!
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    No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread

    Ok here goes..............Gosh I'm brave aren't I hehehe This is a thread for those who like the QVC presenters and are a bit tired of the presenter "bashing" that is happening of late (although it has made for laughable reading at some lol). So this is it, a thread for anyone who wants to say...
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    What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?

    Sorry but I do switch on to Sky News and others too, Some in the recent years have shown video images of people being slapped by complete strangers while on their journeys round town on buses or other public transport, or simply walking round town. Is this not "important"? I hate the whole...
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    Alison Young At It Again!

    ^^^^^ blue with purple stripes and pink spots heheheh
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    What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?

    It should be her doing it too!
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    Julian Ballantyne being a complete ***

    All the presenters say the same thing though about P&P PS I LOVE JULIAN
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    Kitchen Aid vs Kenwood?

    My nan had a Kenwood and my mum had a Kenwood, my nan has been dead abot 10 years and her Kenwood packed up about 4 years ago (she had since the beginning of her marriage and nan and grandad were together nearly 50 years) so I prefer Kenwood xxxxx
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    Question rejected!!

    I wonder how long or how much you would have to use for it to effect you and how much of this stuff they put in the nail polishes?
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    Prices, P&P etc etc

    I read all the time about people getting bargains from L'Occitaine, YC.....well the list is endless. To be completely honest I am sick of it, sick of QVC. My mum is housebound, she relies on QVC for presents etc. If I bought everything for her she would have no independance at all. For a...
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    Photographs of items? Can you tell what it is?

    And a piece of Battenburg :devil:
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    CHuntley's facial growth

    I love this thread. How many women have sat at home, waxing and shaving, thinking they are the only ones and now they know we are all just hairy blokes with man boobs hehehe. Apart from it being a funny thread it is also a very useful one. Thanks for starting it, you have probably made lots...
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    Photographs of items? Can you tell what it is?

    Yeah I love those ones or the ones of Rings that look like sculptures from the Tate Modern :grin: and you're there tilting and squinting to see what the hell it is and even after reading the description you still sit there with a bemused look on your face trying to make it out.
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    public shopping tv apology to pinkpussy cat

    Although this is a very much warranted apology, I feel alot more effort could have been put into it and alot more thought too. What you said was shocking and disrespectful and uncalled for. Good for you for having your say, you deserve to be able to respond to an unwarranted attack on your...
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    Photographs of items? Can you tell what it is?

    oh aren't we the funny eh Mrs James!!!!!! Don't you have belly button Moths to be seeing too?
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    Photographs of items? Can you tell what it is?

    This goes for QVC Active and their Website too. When are they going to photograph things better? With better backgrounds? Sometimes you can't make out what the product is even with the description. Why do they put pale items on a pale background? They need to sort out the photographs.
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    CHuntley's facial growth

    But I love seeing that, it means that, even though they try to make out they are perfect cause they sell all the perfect stuff, they are just like everyone, with imperfections. I like it. xxxxx
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    Sarah B kindly emailed me twice re the New Website!

    And I don't have Sky. Plus I always watched with the sound OFF, I hated all the rabbiting on and shouting and if they were showing someone standing there speaking, in a pre-recorded piece, standing in front of a pale background, talking about how something is made etc, then I turned it off. I...
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    Sarah B kindly emailed me twice re the New Website!

    Here is a question that no-one has asked, probably for fear of being shot down in a hail of bullets. It is a fair question and one that does need asking imho: knowing that you went to bed and RocksTV was there but it was gone in the moring, with no mass customer email or sticky closed thread on...
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    Sarah B kindly emailed me twice re the New Website!

    Nobody is shooting the messenger. I think people are having a hard time understanding why she sent a message to you and saying she doesn't mind you putting it on here. The rest is simply their marketing and deciding not to post anymore, which was foolish of them to be doing in the first place...
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    Sale or clearance? Plus my own opinion :-D

    Firstly, I lost all interest in RocksTV when it became obvious they were liking all the good opinions on here but were less than happy when it came to bad mistakes from their business. I did think it was very unprofessional of the managers to be posting on here and to be having that much...