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    Sarah Payne the fascinator Queen

    I've marvelled at Sarah's obsession with fascinators on Create and Craft for many a moon, In the past I've let it pass without comment as they always seemed to be in a similar spot so just pondered if it was covering a bald patch and therefore to comment would have been cruel, Today the...
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    Sally Jacks.

    Autotuned - And she still couldn't reach the notes for "crazy if you'll let it" with a vaulting pole :-)
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    Sally Jacks.

    Has anyone already come across this? I'm both shocked and horrified in equal measure, If anything her singing cheesy pop makes way more sense and is way less annoying than she is on shoppingtelly :-) It's not the only track she's sang either!
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    Is Create And Craft's Customer Service Really In The UK?

    Totally agree Wirral - I think this is a real case of "get what you pay for" and they are paying as little as they possibly can and the quality reflects that, Talk to companies like Barclays, Netgear and Vodafone they are clearly offshore - but the service is perfect, The location of the...
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    The Real Pie Company 14 Piece Selection TSV 30/05/17

    At £3 a pie plus postage it's hardly difficult to find a better deal / offer :-)
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    Hermes are getting worse

    Hermes is only 1 letter from being herpes, and they are both ****** inconvenient and turn up when you least expect it
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    Rename Ideal world TV The Sally Jacks Channel

    In all seriousness Merryone I had assumed he was what was left of a ex 70's comedian, He's such a twisted camp stereotype it's hard to think it's not all some act taken to it's logical bizarre conclusion and "Pope Pete" couldn't suit him better, Just makes me shudder to watch him, When he...
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    Rename Ideal world TV The Sally Jacks Channel

    I think she's disqualified from that because of the L Greg
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    Virgin Media

    Isn't it about time they started broadcasting on Virgin Cable too? I really like it as a channel (Mainly because of all the ex QVC people!) But would like to watch it as part of my normal lineup - Not on my laptop The shopping channel lineup on Virgin is woefully inadequate IMHO!
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    Which presenters will be doing this after Ideal World goes belly up

    Never fear - If they are struggling they can always torch the place for the insurance money (again)
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    Vax - Don't innovate - Duplicate!

    Watching the promotion for the "Vax Airlift" and I think Dyson should be watching too - I've never seen so many similar / identical features, It's like a poor quality deja vu! Joanne fawning all over it isn't helping matters either, "Wow it picked that up no problems" "Oh the suction is so...
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    Sally Jacks.

    It wasn't that shape - it really was flowerpot shaped!
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    Sally Jacks.

    Watching her trying to flog the Tower Airfryer microwave at the moment, What is going on with her hair?! Was it something made by create and craft that I missed? It looks like a lot of yellowy orange wool glued round a plantpot and worn as a hat...
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    Kelly Hoppen Home Designs TSV 01/03/16

    Oh Kelly Hope-en, Why is EVERYTHING she flogs on QVC shades of beige, taupe, creams and other blandness? I thought she must be the worlds blandest interior designer until I saw her website and it tells a totally different story! Really strong designs, dramatic colours and so on, so why the...
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    BEWARE - it crashed my PC

    The player they are using seems to be hugely processor intensive and not at all stable, My pc fans SCREAM when I watch for more than 5 mins or so, It also seems to regularly drop frames as if they have it set to the wrong framerate
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    Hochanda is off the air! (As of 5:20AM 09/09/2015)

    2:30am and it's STILL off air - as is the stream on the website, I can't see why ANYONE would invest in this channel - Would it really be that hard to create a channel from scratch (and do a way better job?) - I'm just hoping "The Craft Channel" get there act together and find a permanent home...
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    Broadcasting when? and on what channel?

    Hi all, Does anyone know if this channel will ever get it's own channel number? And when and where it broadcasts at the moment? All the bits of it I've seen so far have been on "TJC Choice" on (Sky) Channel 660 just after midnight, Also - has Lavers made an appearance yet? It's been great...
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    The Non Craft item tread

    Just caught the end of the 4 AM show - ELVIS COLLECTABLES!!! - OMG - Reminds me of things you used to win at Bingo at the places on the seafront in Blackpool, Playing cards, Coasters, Fridge magnets, Plates, Ceramic ornaments, Calendars, Even replica sunglasses :-)) ByeBye Craft - Hello bootsale
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    Hochanda is off the air! (As of 5:20AM 09/09/2015)

    It could be a good channel - but they need to sort the lighting and picture/sound quality issues out, Improve the camera work so we can see what's going on properly, and it stick to it's core and not just another channel showing the same old non craft related junk with endless repeats
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    Random musings and general banter.

    I do like the Chef Paul Brodel - but if he puts any more weight on he's not going to be able to reach the counter! He's been "big" for a while (and so am I - so shouldn't be throwing stones) but his weight seems to be getting REALLY out of hand now, Considering all the exercise and weight loss...