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  1. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Oh well, it was the thought that counts! :RpS_biggrin:
  2. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Good Morning all Ideal Worlders! If you bank with Lloyds, look at your rewards section, and there is the following message under Ideal World. If you are a frequent purchaser of the channel, this may be of interest! You will need to activate it on your Bank account to get the discount. Enjoy...
  3. Dave

    CBD Oil

    I think he was the "resident cook / chef / whatever, but thought he left bid tv to be with his young family. As for removing comments, they don't like it up' m.
  4. Dave

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Happy New Year everyone, I have a bottle of wine in the fridge with my name on it!! CHEERS. :rockon::rockon::rockon:
  5. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    I hope you all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Christmas Day. Santa got me a pair of blue tooth, wireless JBUDS, and a Google Chromecast device. It wasn't such a surprise, as I got them for myself! All the very best to all for the New Year. :cool2:
  6. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Mr Tom, delighted to hear from you after such a long interlude! You must be well impressed this thread you started has had such a long life. Sir, may I wish you and yours, all the very best for the season, and I hope you return as a regular poster...
  7. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    When they present any watch show, as far as I can remember, they have never, ever, and I mean ever, said, these watches are accurate to xx amount of seconds over any given time! If they are asking ridiculous amounts of money for a watch, at least have the decency to say how accurate the bloomin'...
  8. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Morning all. For those who Bank with Lloyds, they are showing a 10% cash back discount off your next purchase from Ideal World, valid until the 23rd December. The offer is found in your every day offers. Spend and enjoy, happy days! Have a great Sunday.:mysmilie_12:
  9. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Perhaps she meant the dummy! LOL :mysmilie_17:
  10. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Aah yes, the dulcet tones of Lisa, the true Bid TV Art Expert. I think she still may be stuck somewhere on the mega bus! Hi Lisa, I know you read these xx
  11. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    Surely not! :mysmilie_17:
  12. Dave

    Joanne back

    I watched a bit of her show the other day for 10 minutes, and she never did 2 things, 1, she didn't talk about whatever she was shilling, and 2, she never drew a breath while clacking! Had to turn it off! :mysmilie_17:
  13. Dave

    Manufacturing dates

    When eating out of date or best before foods, especially curry products, take my top tip, always have a loo roll handy in the fridge, just in case! :mysmilie_17:
  14. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    I had to laugh at your post. When you said we are full of it, did you forget the first 2 letters, (sh)! :mysmilie_17:
  15. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    I was going to get 4 for crimbo, for the postie, milky, and the binmen, so it looks like a trip to Beales look good! I wonder where I can get insurance for them from!! Happy days. :mysmilie_17:
  16. Dave

    Random musings and general banter.

    I am unable to see the next watch show, I'l be far too busy getting insurance quotes!
  17. Dave

    What's Happened To Lloyd?

    Asking what happened to Lloyd, made me wonder what has happened to the 2 new presenters they enlisted from the recent TV programme that were auditioned on a selective TV show? Anyone remember them, and where are they now, or shouldn't we ask?
  18. Dave

    QVC email, regarding the Distance selling regulations

    I have to agree, Amazon are leaders in delivery, and returns. QVC are a very poor second!
  19. Dave

    QVC email, regarding the Distance selling regulations

    Will it be a case of spend, spend, spend? :mysmilie_17:
  20. Dave

    I'd love to get it off my chest!

    Get well soon, and have this virtual hug! :mysmilie_12: