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  1. W

    Watching Glenn Lehrer's evening show

    I share your sentiment entirely….. I did not see the Gem Collector, but in the main channel there was one piece that Glenn cut himself… It was an aquamarine 9pointed star that looked very very “ anaemic” in colour even in the recording….apparently some “lucky Debbie” got it for several...
  2. W

    Gemporia still sinking

    The ASA credibility needs to be questioned. The Manwithnoname alleged that he taken action and had some results with it. NOTHING happened as a result. Hats off for Themanwithnoname, thank you so much for fighting for us. Themanwithnoname has told us to wait after posting rather interesting...
  3. W

    Birthday event

    It appears not!😅😂 just tuned in…😂 to see him on air currently flogging something “amazing that they are giving away” For once the graphics were spelled correctly, it appears to be 200cts Type A Olmec Jadeite One Sided Rose Carving So glad they have explained what this mysterious treasure is...
  4. W

    Birthday event

    I guess it can only be the result of ”riveting and highly educational“ lectures/sale pitches that prelude the unveiling of “heirloom, museum grade” items in gold tone 😬. Cringe galore!
  5. W

    Gemporia still sinking

    There is definitely ”Something about Alina” going on ! Whatever has been done seem to have cured her incessant scalp scratching 😁!
  6. W

    Jeff Hayden

    ok….that is a very hard line you have taken there Sir! People needing to take responsibility….??? For what exactly ? And you say “without sounding brutal”… well, hate to say it but you do sound brutal to all of the vulnerable people in a list you described above 😬 As you know I aways...
  7. W

    Jeff Hayden

    Not sure what that means, apologies Rubia ☺️, but if it is to communicate to Vapid to stay in a forum, I am supporting this arms and legs 🥰
  8. W

    Jeff Hayden

    Vapid is entirely Fair in making her point about holding every presenter to the same standard, irrespective of how much we might like Jeff! Jeff is different in a way that he presents the items, I believe that he is truly passisted
  9. W

    Somebody please buy Adina a dictionary

    You know that laugh she does makes me a bit uncomfortable, as I wonder if its more in line with “got you suckers”😬😂
  10. W

    Jeff Hayden

    I hope you don't take a break or if you do it’s a very short one, as I appreciate your contribution and posts tremendously! You are always fair, calling the spade a spade. Incidentally pointing out my bias for Jeff. You are exceptionally gifted writing beautifully with such wit and eloquence...
  11. W

    Jeff Hayden

    Great point and beautifully made !
  12. W

    Jeff Hayden

    I imagine that for a person like Jeff it is very hard to follow “sell by any means” doctrine. I feel for him at times. He was given these googly eyed glass monstrosities ( “the rabid seagull” and ” peacock with scoliosis” )in one of his late night weekend shows. He managed to turn his speech...
  13. W

    Hooray I am a bacteria!

    Dear Patsy, my post above was meant in a humorous fashion, but the medium of written word not always convey the meaning intended. Please accept my apologies.
  14. W

    Jeff Hayden

    Jeff is my favourite presenter too, since joining Gems he is such a pleasure to watch His sincere love of gems is infectious, the presenting style and personality is light years away from the current line up of shouting and patronising lot.
  15. W

    Hooray I am a bacteria!

    ok…sorry to hear that and I apologise for speaking …. please see a doctor now. The forum is to discuss Gempia and the products that they are selling.
  16. W

    Gemporia still sinking

    CHOCOLATE pearls were shocking in price that Gemporia flogged them today! it’s not my personal aesthetic to have brown pearls, each to their own . but COATED pearls that are Brown and so overpriced! ”pearly whites” require redefinition in the dictionary,
  17. W

    Gemporia still sinking

    So disappointing 🙈 always thought better of Rosie... now she keeps discovering new levels of being sycophantic to Toby.
  18. W

    Hooray I am a bacteria!

    Sorry to hear about your battle with the lawn rake, hope all is well with you now. Blood pressure is highly reactive to multiple processes taking place within a human body. Pain can absolutely cause a rise of BP in response to the injury or even simple stress of being in a medical setting. In...
  19. W

    Hooray I am a bacteria!

    Steve appears to be very preoccupied with staying forever young these days. I wholeheartedly support the idea of helping people with scientifically proven vitamins, like Vit D! He preaches the importance of a heathy weight through the TV, yet his son-in-law the Gem expert and the MD of...
  20. W

    Gemporia still sinking

    The idiocy on my part that I actually assumed that it was a new collection line 🙈😂😂