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  1. M

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Here we are! We've had a hard few days decorating. Meg's been high on the fumes.
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    Mirror, Mirror, On My Door

    A young woman buys a mirror at an antique shop, and hangs it on her bathroom door. One evening, while getting undressed, she playfully says, "Mirror, mirror, on my door, make my bust line forty four". Instantly, there is a brilliant flash of light, and her breasts grow to enormous proportions...
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    Celestial Blue Loungewear

    Umm .... NO - on so many levels lol
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    Celestial Blue Loungewear

    Oh, but it will! It will! You'll never have a sleepless night again. You'll like the little detail on the front and the cuffs no doubt. It will be warm in winter and cool in summer and have thread counts and when you get back into it it will still be warm. It will have a pocket for your meds or...
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    Old jewellery brands that used to be on QVC...

    I seem to recall a V&A range and not that long ago. I wish they did marcasite range. I was once told on here they used to.
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    Semi Permanent Makeup

    Yes, I echo that - good luck.
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    Richard III

    Yes, it was good (bar the bluddy adverts lol) I found the two women interesting - Philippa all emotional and frequently overcome Jo putting her mattock through the skull & refusing to carry the remains in a box with the Royal standard over it...
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    Allergy patch testing contact dermatitis

    bump Ooh, poor you. I've had no experience of this so can't say anything. Hopefully someone in the know will come along
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    Semi Permanent Makeup

    Yes, top & bottom. Her eyes did not swell though. She said they were a bit sore the next day, but after that fine. Her beautician said she should return in 1 month so she could correct anything 27 didn't like - all part of the service, but 27 was flying out of the country, backpacking for a year.
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    JW Magic Makeup Ingredients
  11. M

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Lol There's only one thing for it Tink ETHER! That will knock him out
  12. M

    JW Magic Makeup Ingredients

    Yikes. Your choice must be almost nil. There are quite a few home-made brew type of sites out there. Totally unsophisticated of course, but maybe ....
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    JW Magic Makeup Ingredients

    You may have already found it, but it's worth mentioning again - Paula Begouin has a good site On it she has a section devoted to
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    JW Magic Makeup Ingredients

    I can't crack into it either. I did find a German forum once that chatted about the ingredients in her products .... that didn't get me far lol. Seems that all searches lead to her PR
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    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    You mean like this The Fattyboots Flop we call it. Stealth is the key. 1. basket comes in from garage early & is hidden in loo. Door closed. Very important that bit 2. Meg is brushed by me - it makes her drunk with happiness - while Himself hangs around 3. Himself picks up Meg (as above)...
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    Richard III

    The Daily Fail reported on this a few months ago. They did DNA comparisons and ...... Shut up min! You'll spoil it. Yes. I will watch it lol
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    Mrs Hirons: She's the Business

    Caroline Hirons was at the QVC Beauty Bash! Are any of you in the photos?
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    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    "Aw, come on Meg, stop sulking ..... It was for your own good. You don't want fleas do you? Nasty, scratchy, bitey things...... I tell you what! I'll show you some stupid dog pictures on the computer, how about that?" "There, that's better. How about a nice photo show your lovely new...
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    Mrs Hirons: She's the Business

    Lol. Well I am Disenchanted! I used to be able to use anything on my skin then it went haywire and my eyes .... :eek: Don't talk! A huge learning curve was in store for me
  20. M

    DF's shoes

    They're called over the boot tights. They have tapes or hooks etc to keep them in place Some skaters think it elongates the leg & looks better