With all due respect, IW presenters have never really fallen into the category of 'well respected'. The channel was always a joke with presenters prepared to say anything to get a sale, at least PS and Mike have brought some humour to add to the disgust

When there was a choice between Ideal and Bid, Bid always got my watching (excuse the bad english) as IW used to be just low down tactics without the humour value, Bid, low down too yes, but at least you got a laigh while being disgusted with them.
In a perverse way, for me as simply a viewer and NEVER a buyer (after one purchase 10+ years ago) the addition of the Bid crew is marvellous, pure comedy gold in the car-crash-tv sense of course, with Dirty Peter and Mikey Barra Boy, compared to the sickly sweet patronising Joanne, Dennice (did I mention my daugheter is disabled) and the other hideous presenters.
Can't wait to see PS on with Moira C, my goodness, hold on to your seats......