La Belle Epoque - who hoo!


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This post made me think of pork belly slices, put in boilng water for a while, dried, then fried until crispy. My, do they taste good! To your point, the background music and lyrics on QVC are messed around with until they are unintelligible. The Christmas ones didn't make any sense at all.
See, it's having a detrimental effect on my brain!
Once you hear a different thing in a song, you can’t unhear it so it has probably affected you, yes. The key is to stop having QVC on or mute it. I rarely tune in but when I do, I have to mute as soon as the woman comes on in a show break talking slowly and exaggeratedly, like she’s addressing a nursery school. I imagine the faithful at home sitting up straight as soon as she starts and putting their crossed hands on their heads like obedient little 6 year-olds.

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